Part 2.12

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Midterms are always a bitch. They happen right after Christmas break and they add an unnecessary amount of stress to my week.

Usually I study for my midterms the day before but this year I decided it would be best for me to think ahead and study during break.

Regulus and I decided to meet in the library so we could study together. Since we shared so many classes it was smart to do it this way.

We chose to sit in the back of the library so less people would see us together and get the wrong idea.

Regulus and I had been studying for three hours so far.  The desks we were working on were covered with scattered papers, books, notes, and quills.

"I think I'm getting dumber the longer I look at these notes" I groaned into the desk I was laying my head on it.

"Yeah, I'm not making any progress either. We should probably take a break" regulus suggested, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Hearings this I lifted my head off the desk and propped it up with my arm.

"How long of a break do you want" I asked him.

"Probably half an hour, any longer and we might not want to continue studying" regulus suggested.

"I mean would it be such a bad thing if we didn't continue studying" I smiled.

Immediately regulus turned and gave me a dead pan stare. "We have three days before midterms, we need all the time we can get. So yes, it would be a bad thing if we didn't continue studying".

"Jeez, no need to get all dark and brooding. You could have just said no" I sighed before laying back down.

"I'm not being dark and brooding, I'm being serious. There is a difference" regulus said, defending himself.

"Reg, for you, being serious is the same thing as being dark and brooding" I scoffed.

"What does that even mean" regulus scoffed back.

"I don't know, maybe you can go study and figure it out" I laughed, throwing a crumpled piece of parchment at his head.

"What was that for" regulus groaned.

"I dont know" I mumbled.

Ever since I started liking him I've been acting stupid around him. It's almost like my brain shuts off completely. I hate it because I'm pretty sure it's annoying him but I can't stop myself from doing stupid shit.

"Fine, 30 minutes" I sighed and started tapping my fingers on the desk.

"What are we going to do for 30 minutes?" I asked regulus.

"I don't know, we could have a normal conversation. Preferably one that doesn't end with paper being thrown at me" regulus snickered.

Damn it, that's kinda embarrassing.

"Sure, what would you like to talk about specifically?" I asked, trying to not let him see how red my face was from him calling me out.

Regulus looked at my fingers as they tapped the oak desks before responding " can you tell me about your family"

Shocked by his response I stayed silent for a second before stuttering a response " sure, I guess. What would you like to know?"


" well I don't think half an hour is enough time to tell you everything but I can tell you some stuff" I chuckled before sitting up.

"I am the eldest of three. I have a younger sister who is 11 and a younger brother who is 8. They are technically my half siblings since they are from my step mom but I think of them as my full siblings,"

"My mom died during child birth so I never got to know her but my dad married Anna a year later. Then they had Adelaide a few years later then Timmy," Said

I sighed before continuing,

"I don't think my dad likes me as much as the other two. He is very dismissive of me and he acts like if my siblings know about magic they will be corrupted or something,"

I took a second and scoffed before saying the next part,

"He actually preferred my siblings thinking I was stashing weed in my room rather than them knowing about my herbology work,"

"Anna thinks I'm a delinquent child who is sent to reform school the whole year, that's why I started going to church camp as a counselor, so I could learn responsibility and all that shit,"

I stopped talking for a minute before looking at regulus, he seemed emotionless.

"Sorry, you probably didn't want to hear all that" I mumbled.

"No it's fine, I just...... didn't expect you to.... I don't know" regulus mumbled.

"No yeah sorry, you were probably hoping for happy stuff right" I laughed a bit.

"Yeah" regulus sighed.

We both sat there in silence for a bit before regulus let out a big breathe.

"I'm sorry, that all sounds tough" he said before putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, but it's not that bad. My siblings love me and I have everyone here" I sighed

"No, it's not okay. I don't know why anyone wouldn't love you. But if your dad can't see how amazing you are then he is just stupid." Regulus stated seriously.

"Thank you" I sighed looking regulus in the eyes.

Our faces were really close and if I just leaned forward slightly.......

"Hey love birds how're you doing" a voice boomed from behind me causing me to jump away from regulus.

I turned around quickly and low and behold Evan rosier and Barty crouch.

"Hey guys what's up" regulus said getting up and hugging his friends.

"Nothing Romeo, we were just wondering if you wanted to come with us into the forest. We snuck some food from the kitchen and are gonna feast" Evan laughed.

"Absolutely, when are you guys heading out?" Regulus laughed.

"Right now" Barty smiled over his boyfriend's shoulder.

"You can bring your little girlfriend as well if you want" Evan smirked over to regulus.

Regulus looked over at me and smiled, " you want to join us? Beats studying"



Hey guys
Sorry for only getting this chapter out now, I know it's been like, four weeks or something but everything has been a bit hectic lately lol.

For starters I joined the wrestling team which takes up a lot of time and takes up almost the entirety of my Saturdays. I also got a boyfriend which I wasn't expecting, but he takes up most of my Sunday's so...... yeah.

I also may have gotten a concussion from wrestling a guy (which is unfortunately hard to do as a girl) but I got third place so it was worth it. So I can't promise my writing will be amazing especially with a concussion.

Back to the topic at hand,
I'm going to try to get back onto a schedule for release dates of chapters.
I'm also sorry this one was short but it's leading into a longer chapter.

Anyways I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope you guys enjoy the story.
Lots of love,

( don't forget to comment, I always love to read your comments and they usually get my creative juices flowing again )

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