OLIVIAS POV:It's the next weekend on Saturday night. Jamie, Ariel, and I are planning for our fall break trip in a few weeks. We also invited some of our other friends to plan with us, Lola and Sophie. Lola is a lot like me but obviously not as cool hehe. Anyways, It's basically a girls night thing. Jamie, Ariel and I walk into Lola and Sophie's room and they immediately hand us drinks. These actually look really good. They're blue with skittles and whip cream on top.
Olivia - What are these?
( I say as I sit down on Lola's bed next to her. )
Lola - Skittle vodka, try it you'll love it.
( She says taking a sip of hers. )
Ariel - I helped them make them last night! A surprise for you guys.
( She says as she sits down on the floor opening her laptop. Jamie and I shrug and take a sip. THEY ARE SO GOOD! OMG. I need to get the recipe. I finish mine in a few minutes but I'm not drunk at all. I take another one and as we're looking at places for us to visit on our trip I look around and notice Ariel's gone. )
Olivia - Guys where's Ariel?
( I ask standing up. )
Sophie - She probably went to the dining hall.
Jamie - The dining hall is closed.
Sophie - Oh I don't know then.
Lola - Umm guys I don't know if you noticed but she was pretty drunk. She had four of our drinks..
Olivia - What?! You knew she was that drunk and didn't stop her from leaving?!
Lola - Well you didn't either!
Olivia - Fuck Lola I was literally looking on my laptop you're just sitting there.
Lola - Okay, okay I'm sorry!
Jamie - It's freezing out there we have to go find her!
Lola - Wait! We should split up we will find her faster that way.
Sophie - Grab your phones if one of us finds her we can call each other.
( We all nod in agreement and as we go out the door to look for her and run into the backs of each other as we're stopped. )
Erin - Woah! what's going on where's the fire?
Lola - Erin what are you doing here? You know it's a girls night only!
Erin - I know and I'm sorry. I'll leave as soon as I check on Ariel. It's just that... I'm a little worried that she is eating something that is against her eating restrictions. You know how she loves to eat food that she isn't supposed to have. Like chocolate, for example. She can only eat a certain kind or else she gets an allergic reaction and-
( Erin rambles on as if we asked him for details before I cut him off impatiently. )
Olivia - Okay, okay, okay, we get the point! Erin we all know that Ariel can only eat certain things and everything she can eat is here so you can leave.
( I tell him with a huff and put my hands flat on his chest and try to push him out of the room. Yet he still doesn't even move from his spot in the doorway. Wait, a thought just popped into my head. Has Erin been working out? He actually looks a little buff. I mean he's nothing compared to Shane but he surprisingly looks a little tough. All I can say is what a shocker. Hmmm, I'll have to ask Ariel about it later. That's if we ever find Ariel. Eek! Pray that we do before someone else does. )
Another Spanking Story...
Teen FictionHi! So i'm not really sure where I'm going with this story but it will have love, heartbreak, happiness, and of course, spanking! I hope you guys enjoy!