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( Well it's been about a week since Amanda lied about me cheating. I don't know what Shane did and said to her but she's left me alone so it must've been something good. It's Saturday and everyone is going off campus to go to the mall and eat. Basically just have a chill day. After taking a shower I curl my hair and do some makeup then I get dressed and put jewelry on. )


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( After getting dressed I grab my purse and phone then head out the door with Jamie. We walk to Shane's car and get in Felipe and Shane are waiting for us. I'm in the front with Shane who's driving and Jamie is in the backseat with Felipe. )

Felipe - It's about damn time.

Shane - You two will be late to your own funeral.

( We all laugh and Shane starts to drive. I notice Shane looking at my shorts which makes me roll my eyes. I know they're really short and it's cold outside but they're super cute! Thankfully he doesn't say anything in front of Jamie and Felipe. We get to the mall in about 20 minutes and go inside. I drag Shane to bath and body works to his dismay hehe. )

Shane - Liv come on we've been in here for thirty minutes.

Olivia - I could spend hours in here.

Shane - Trust me, I know.

Olivia - Just a few more things.

( I say as Shane rolls his eyes and I put some lotion into the basket he's carrying for me. After about 15 more minutes I decide to be done with my shopping, at this store hehe. When we get up to the counter one of the employees starts ringing my stuff up. )

Employee - Do you have a coupon that you would like to use today?

Olivia - No unfortunately I don't.

Employee - Well just because this fine man is with you I'll use one that we have back here.

( She says with a smile and a wink to Shane. )

Olivia - Can we hurry this up please?

( She nods and finally finishes ringing everything up. I pull my wallet out of my purse to pay but like always Shane doesn't let me pay. )

Employee - Ooh a gentleman too! He's a keeper.

Olivia - Yeah I know, come on Shane.

( I say after giving her a dirty look then we walk out of the store. )

Olivia - That girl was a total joke. Who the hell does she think she is? She knew we were together and-

( Shane cuts off my rambling. )

Shane - Baby it's not that big of a deal.

Olivia - Not that big of a deal?

Shane - No, I mean imagine if I got upset every time a guy checked you out or said that you're hot. Speaking of, why are you wearing shorts that short?

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