•• Chapter 1 || A New Life ••

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Heyyyyy just an FYI this is what you are wearing right now:

Heyyyyy just an FYI this is what you are wearing right now:

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I actually drew it myself! :D. (My art account is @ _galaxy._.god_ I'm on a lot of social medias (mainly tik tok) okay now start the series!

As you walked through the serine dark oak forest, you found yourself dreaming of your new life. It was hard to believe you were finally going to be calling a place home, you'd been traveling for years. While you were busy daydreaming you suddenly stopped once you spotted a small bush of herbs. Your face lit up as you exclaimed in delight.

"Is that Rosemary?" You say as you quickly walk up to it. You pull out a small but thick book labeled, 'Plants and their many uses'. You flip the pages till you finally find the right one.

"Here it is! Salvia rosmarinus, or better know as 'Rosemary' is a fragrant shrub that can grow beautiful flower variants. But the benefits are found on the leaves themselves." You end up reading a bit more before quickly pulling out a small cloth pouch.

You start to pick some of the steams and place them into the bag. As you do you fail to realize the growing steps behind you. All of a sudden you hear a sudden voice.

"Who are you?" The voice said with a curious but stern tone.

You  jump at the sudden voice, dropping a few stems. You quickly turn around and see a black haired man. His green eyes stared at yours curiously.

"Oh, um hello!" You say quickly as you scramble to get up. You shove your newly found herbs into your backpack. "My name is (Y/n)!" You say as you hand out your hand.

The man chuckled a little but returned the greeting, shaking your hand lightly. "Well my name is Brenden, nice to meet you! What brings you here?" Brenden said kindly.

You smile brightly, "It's nice to meet you too! I'm currently on my way to a village called Phoenix drop. You don't happen to know the way do you?" A hopeful look rested on your face as you eagerly waited for an answer.

"Oh! Actually I do, I'm the local farmer..." he paused. "Well more like farmer slash builder, but whatever just follow me!" He said as he started to walk through the trees.

You gasped in delight as you quickly caught up and followed. "You're from Phoenix Drop?! That's great! Thank you again!"

He laughed, "of course don't worry about it! Besides it's beneficial for me too, I get to escort a beautiful stranger.~" he replies with a slightly quivering voice.

You looked at him with a puzzled look, "beautiful? Well that's sweet." You reply with a monotone voice.

"Well um yes.. ahh" he starts to stutter more and more. You start to laugh as he does. A smile on now rested on both of your faces. "But anyhow what brings you to Phoenix drop?"

A Healers Touch || Garroth x Reader x Laurence Where stories live. Discover now