•• Chapter 2 || A Warm Welcome ••

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"Hello! My name is Kawaii~Chan! Kawaii~Chan saw you move in next door and just couldn't wait until morning to meet you!" The pink haired Mi'fwa explained. She has a small pink cake in her hands and was holding it out towards you. "Kawaii~Chan thought you would enjoy this cake as a Welcome to Phoenix Drop!"

You first gave her a blank stare, still processing what just happened. Once you realized you had just been staring at her you blushed and bowed your head a little as a greeting. "O-oh!" You stumbled out. "Why thank you! It's very nice to meet you Kawaii~Chan! My name is (Y/n)!"

You quickly open the door wider, "would you like to come in? I just lit a candle, so it would be a waste to put it out so soon."

"Sure! Thank you (Y/n)~San!" She gave you a warm smile as her tail seemed to sway just a little quicker. You closed the door behind her and quickly went to the table, picking up the bag and placing it on the floor.

"Sorry for the mess, I've been trying to set up in here..." you say nervously, "oh it's no problem (Y/n)~San! Kawaii~Chan understands, here try some of this cake I brought you!"

You nod your head and walk over to your small kitchen cabinet. You open it and grab 2 plates, a knife, and 2 forks. You walk back over to the table and sit down the assortment of dishes. You give her a plate and she kindly thanks you.

You slowly cut the tiny pink cake, you cut two pieces. You one on her plate than yours. You sit down and admire the cake. It was a 2 layered, you didn't really know the flavor yet so you quickly took a bite.

"Oh my gosh, this is delicious!" Your face lit up as you chew, digesting the flavor more and more. The strawberry crème outside was very rich, but did not overpower the chocolate and vanilla inside. The cake has a wonderful airy texture. "Did you really make this?"

She simply giggled as she nodded, "Kawaii~Chan did make this! And Kawaii~Chan is glad (Y/n)~sama likes it!" She started to slowly eat hers.

You stared at her in disbelief before speaking up, "You are an amazing baker! I've never had a cake this delicious before!" You praised her, you could stop, because come on how can a cake be this amazing?

"Kawaii~Chan is honored that you feel that way! Kawaii~Chan actually used to own a small bakery!" She stated, you were amazed. "Wow I bet you were super popular!" You exclaimed.

"Well Kawaii~Chan was for a while before Kawaii~Chan had to move away, but that's a story for another time." You two continued to chat and eat your cake. Once you finished it, you walked her out. "Thank you again for the cake and it was wonderful to meet you Kawaii~Chan!"

"It was an honor for Kawaii~Chan as well! Kawaii~Chan hopes (Y/n)~sama enjoys her first day in Phoenix drop tomorrow! Remember, Kawaii~Chan lives right next door if  (Y/n)~sama need any help!" She said as she walked out the door. "Of course! Than goodnight!"

"Goodnight (Y/n)~sama!" After she walked off you closed the door and turned to your table. You had some dishes to do, but you were tired from the long day. You sighed as you begrudgingly did them anyways. After cleaning them, and putting them away you were ready to sleep.

You grabbed the candle and walked downstairs, you placed the candle on your bedside. Walking over to the closet you took off your cloths and put on a simple white nightgown. You grabbed your brush and brushed through your tangled hair. After keeping it down all day you knew there was bound to be some knots in it.

After finishing you sat the brush down on the bedside next to your candle. You grabbed the necklace and held it close to your chest.

Flash back

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