•• Chapter 4 || A Day With Gals ••

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You wake up to a sudden knocking. You groan as you slowly stand up. You grab a Shaw and head to the door. These townspeople really like to start their day early don't they?

As you get to the door you fix your bed hair a little before opening it. All of a sudden you are shocked by all the people at your door. It seems to be all the ladies you meet yesterday on your tour, except for a certain librarian.

"(Y/n)! Good morning! We're sorry to wake you, but we wanted to see if you wanted to join us on our hang out day!" Emma said with a kind smile.

You were shocked by the sudden invite. "Oh um sure! Let me go get dressed tho." You say in a panicked tone. They just giggle, "take your time (y/n)~Sama! All of us will be at the plaza, just meet us there!" Kawaii~chan said to you.

You nodded as they started to walk away. I quickly closed the door and went downstairs to change. You decided to wear something similar to what you wore your first day, but instead you wore a different corset with it.

You smiled as you were satisfied with how you looked, you brushed out your hair and left it down, doing one simple braid with a (f/c) ribbon. You walked upstairs and put on your belt. After attaching the bag part to your leg you rushed out the door.

As you walked to the plaza you thought about the day ahead. You were quite excited to hang out with your new found friends. You hadn't had a chance to have many friends after the incidents.

You smiled at the thought of friends, as you walked into the plaza you were once again taken aback by the beautiful statue of Irene. It always seemed to take your breath away.

"(Y/n)! Over here!!"

You turned to the sudden voice and saw Emma waving at you. You quickly walk over and greet everyone. "Hey gals! What are we doing today?"

"Well we're thinking of just having a picnic and chatting does that sound fun?" Cadenza said with a chuckle.

You blush a little as you nod your head, Cadenza was very pretty so you couldn't help but feel nervous around her. You jumped when a hand touched your shoulder, "Hey (Y/n)~Sama did you want to help kawaii~Chan get some snacks while the girls find a spot for us to sit?" The pink haired girl said.

"Of course I would love to!" You walk with Kawaii~Chan to go get the snacks and wave to the other girls. "So what kind of snacks did you make?"

"Kawaii~Chan made many sweet pastry's, after all it is Kawaii~chans specialty!" You giggled at her cheerful demeanor. As you approached Kawaii~Chans house you heard her call for you. "Hey (Y/n)~sama I have a question if you don't mind."

You turn to her and tilt your head a little, "what is is Kawaii~Chan?" You wondered what she wanted to ask you. "Do you also like to cook? Kawaii~Chan noticed that you have many herbs so Kawaii~Chan was just wondering."

You smile at her, "Well I do like to cook but most of my herbs are used for my healing elixirs, you see i'm and herbalist." Kawaii~Chans face lit up as she grabbed your hands quickly.

"Than does (Y/n)~sama think she can teach Kawaiii~Chan some recipes? Kawaii~Chan loves to cook and would be honored to know more!" She looked at you with big eyes as her tail swong back and forth.

"Of course, I'll teach you what I know, but only if you teach me some recipes as well." You say with a smile. Kawaii~Chan nodded , "Kawaii~Chan would be happy too! Now we should hurry since our friends are waiting for us!"

After you guys grab a basket of sweets Kawaii~Chan made you head to the girls. After finding them you sit down next to Kawaii Chan.

"So (Y/n), can I ask what brought you to Pheonix Drop?" Emma said as she are a few pastry's. You flinched at the question and debated on how to answer. "Well, let's just say Lord Aphmau offered me a home after seeing the situation I was in. I was hoping to talk to her but it seems she's not here.."

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