•• Chapter 9 || Talking with a Lord••

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You wake up to birds singing. As you slowly sit up you yawn and stretch. Finally...I got to sleep in. You smiled as you got up and started to get around for the day.

You put on a white blouse with black pants to match. You put on your black belt and attach your leg bag. You throw on some black boots and tie them up. After looking at yourself you start to do your hair. You did a simple loose braid.

You walked upstairs and looked outside. You jump when you see Aphmau making her way over to your house. Lord Aphmau?! Is she coming here?! You frantically fix your table as you hear her knock.

"Hello? (Y/n) it's me!" She said you quickly opened the door. "Lord Aphmau! What brings you here?" You ask her quickly. She just holds up a bowl with some fruit in it. "Have you ate yet? I was hoping we could talk over some lunch."

You pause, it's already noon? That's what I get for sleeping in I guess. You open the door and gesture for her to come in. " I haven't, I just woke up actually. Please come in!" She nods as she walks in and places the bowl on the table.

You close the door and sit down at the table with her. She hands you a red apple and you happily except it. "So what would you like to talk about my lord?" You say before biting down on the Apple.

"Please just call me Aphmau, and I wanted to see how you were feeling. I know that when I found you, you were really messed up." She put a hand on yours and you just look down a little.

It's true, when she found you, you debated about ending it all but when she came she saved you. "To be honest I'm scared, I really want to live in this village but I'm afraid of what could come. I don't want to bring disaster with me..."

Aphmau squeezes your hand, "please don't worry about that (y/n). Your safe here, and if there is some monster chasing you then we will take care of it." She raised your hand a little. "Together. This town is more than just your home, we're your new family."

You held back tears as you wiped your face. "O-okay." You say through sniffles. "Thank you...Aphmau." You hesitate using her name but she just smiles at you. "Speaking of dangers I need to tell you something." She said as she let go of your hand.

"What is it?" You looked at her curiously. "Well let's just say danger is creeping up on everyone here in the village. And I know you like to go out to get herbs right?" She asked you, you just nodded your head. "Than whenever you go out can you please let me know? I want to have a guard go with you so that I know your safe."

You pause as you think, it's not a bad idea but I don't like knights.. oh if Brian came than that would be great! He should offer up right? You smiled, "alright I'll do that, I was actually going out  go out today to pick some more. I've been using a lot to help Alexis."

She seemed to freeze then she jumped and grabbed your shoulders. "You've been helping Alexis?! Is she getting better?! Is she awake?!" She said quickly.  You quickly replied, "she's not awake but she is getting better. The elixirs I've been giving her have helped with reforming her body to the correct size."

Aphmau shed a tear as she hugged you. "Thank you so much! I'll go get one of the guard right away so you can continue to help her!" She practically ran out of the house. You held out your arm as you stood in silence.

She left...just like that. You sighed as you left the fruit bowl on the table and cleaned up the mess. After you finished you started to get your bag ready for herb picking. You pulled out small bags and wrapped them to your belt, you grabbed your satchel and checked to make sure you had your plant book. You nodded when you saw it and started to look for your bow. After grabbing it and a few arrows you heard a knock.

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