•• Chapter 8 || Their return ••

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You were so nervous, as the ship started to dock you straightened you back and got ready to meet her.

You saw 6 people get off but not Lord Aphmau. They looked at you with a questionable gaze. Before they could say anything a Black haired woman with golden eyes squeezed through them. You felt your breath hitch, it was her, Lord Aphmau. She seemed to go straight for Levin as expected.

"Levin oh I missed you so much!" She talked to Levin and you couldn't help but be breath taken by her. She was so beautiful. "I have someone to introduce to you Levin," she brings out a little boy after talking to her Guard that was next to her.

"This is Malachi your new brother." She said, she seemed nervous. The two boys instantly became friends. After that happened Aphmau finally say you. After your eyes meet you felt your breath stop.

"(Y/n)? Is that you?" Aphmau said as she walks to you. "L-Lord A-Aphmau, it's such an honor to see you again! I'm so sorry for coming into your home when you were gone but I-" you were cut off by her hugging you.

"I was so worried about you, I thought you got hurt..." she said as she stroked your head. You felt yourself tearing up as you hugged her back. "Y-Your not mad I came here?" You said as you hugged her tight.

"Of course not, I was more worried that you decided to let the guilt eat you. I'm glad you moved forward and joined the town. I cant wait to hear more about it tomorrow." She said as she let go. You just gave her a big smile.

"Thank you Lord Aphmau, I missed you so much!" She just smiled at you and Brian gave you a thumbs up behind her. "You can tell us more about your trip later, right now we have a special surprise for you in the plaza! Come on!" Zoey said as everyone just nodded. Aphmau grabbed your hand and walked with you. You smiled at her.

You tried not to notice the stares of the new people, I'm just happy Lord Aphmau is here..After you got to the Plaza you let go of Aphmaus hand so she could walk around and enjoy the festivities.

You sat at a table near the back and watched everyone dance and enjoy themselves. It was nice, you looked over at Aphmau and saw her siting with 2 knights. You badly wanted to go talk to her but the knights made you nervous. After a while you were approached by a tall man with brownish hair and blue eyes. He was a Beauty I'll give you that.

"Why hello there beautiful, I've never seen you here before." He said as he sat down next to you. You blushed a little bit was able to hid it. "I'm new to town, Lord Aphmau invited me here. My name is (Y/n) (L/n)." You said with a kind smile.

He seemed taken aback but quickly snapped back. "What a beautiful name, I'm Laurence. I noticed you talked to Lord Aphmau as we got off the boat." He said as he seemed to scan your every move.

So this is the Knight Brenden told me about. "It's nice to meet you Laurence, yes I just was so excited to meet her again. She is someone I truly admire." You put your hand on your heart as you smile at the memory of meeting her. "Without her I probably wouldn't be here, I owe her my life really."

He seemed to laugh at that at first you gave him a glare but he seemed to be reminiscing. "I can agree, she really is a wonderful Lord." He seemed pleased with what you said. All of a sudden he stood up and offered you his hand. "Would you like to dance? It would be such a waste if you sat here all night in such a breathtaking dress."

He really is a flirt. You laughed a little as you got up and grabbed his hand. "I don't see why not, but do know I'm not a good dancer." He just chuckled. "Then let me take the lead."

As you got onto the dance floor a upbeat song started to play. He grabbed you other hand and started to lead you into a dance. He place one hand on your lower back this made you flinch, "getting a little touchy there aren't we?" You joked.

A Healers Touch || Garroth x Reader x Laurence Where stories live. Discover now