•• Chapter 7 || Preparing for a welcome ••

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You look around and find your in a forest. What the where am I? You start to walk, you heard a noise behind you. Is that the shadow knight? All of a sudden a giant shadow like creature with blood red eyes looked over you.

Your heart started racing, you screamed as you ran away but it chased you. No matter how far you ran it followed. Tears streamed down your face as your feet were cut up by the forest floor. "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME, I CANT DIE."

"(Y/n)...." The creature roared as it reached for you. You looked at the hand and flinched.

"(Y/n), (y/n), wake up!" All of a sudden you woke up to Zoey by your bed. A worried looked was on her face. "Z-Zoey...?" You said through teary eyes. Zoey wiped away a tear, she put her hand to your forehead. "Your not sick... I was worried. I knocked but you didn't answer and I saw you left pots on the stove so I didn't know if you were hurt. So I came inside to check on you and I found you still in the outfit I saw you in yesterday."

You looked down and see that you were of fact still in the same outfit. You slowly sat up and held your head, "sorry, I...I guess I was just tired." You thought about last night. But how was I that tired...?

"It's okay dear, how about you just rest for today?" She said with a worried tone. "I can just get the elixirs tomorrow." You shake your head. "No no I'm fine, The elixir is just upstairs here." As you got up you head hurt a little you just shook it off. I'll just take some medicine. She sighs but fills you. As you walk up the stairs you see the mess you left.

"Let me just clean this up and bottle it for you." You roll up your sleeves and start to bottle it until Zoey joins you. "I would love to help, after all I am also a Herbalist." She smiled at you.

You smile back, "Alright then can you bottle these as I go change? Make sure to keep them separate though because they are different elixirs!" She just nods "I know I know, now go get changed."

I walk down stairs and take off my old clothes. I put them in my laundry bin and pull out some new clothes. I put on a tan tunic with short sleeves and a pair of brown jeans. I throw on some black shoes and put on my belt. I put my hair in a loose braid and went upstairs.

"Alright I'm all done." Zoey looked over at you as she also finished up bottling the Elixirs. "You look nice and I finished up the elixirs." You smiled and thanked her. You walked over to the cabinet and looked for your vial of headache medicine. After finding it you downed it and put the bottle in the sink. I'll clean it tonight. "Let me pick these up for you to take" you pulled out a bag.

Zoey gave you a worried look. "(y/n) are you sure your okay?" She put her hand on your shoulder. You just smiled. "Of course, now here I finished packing up your elixirs!"

Zoey gave you one last glacé before grabbing the bag. "Then I'll see you later." She walks out and you waved goodbye. You started to bag Kawaii Chans portion. But really I've never felt like that before... it's strange.

After you finished bagging Kawaii Chans stuff you walked out the door and knocked on hers. She quickly opened it. "Hey (y/n)~sama what's up?" She said with a Cherie tone. "I made your elixirs I was talking about here you go."

You handed her the bag and she beamed. "Thank you so much (y/n)~sama! Wait here Kawaii Chan will bring (y/n) sama a gift too!" She zoomed downstairs before you could even say anything.

You just sighed, best not to fight it , you thought. You leaned on her door way as you waited. After a while Kawaii Chan came upstairs and handed you a plate of (f/d). You beamed "wow this is my favorite! Thank you Kawaii Chan!"

"Kawaii Chan had a feeling you loved these, Kawaii Chan has a knack for feeling favorite treats. Now Kawaii Chan is going to get straight to work!" She once again zoomed away, leaving you in the dust.

A Healers Touch || Garroth x Reader x Laurence Where stories live. Discover now