•• Chapter 3 || The Tour ••

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"Than let's go!" Brenden said kindly. You quickly followed him. You took a second to look around, not really looking yesterday due to your excitement.

There's a brighter pink house next to you, you assumed it belonged to the kind pink haired Mi'fwa. The other house looked to actually be a small library. Next to it was a house with red roses outside. Across from that one was a regular house like yours, nothing really on the outside.

"Hey Brenden? Can you tell me who lives here?" You ask curiously, eager to meet your new neighbors. He looked at you, "oh sure! The pink house belongs to Kawaii Chan, the one across from it belongs Emmalyn and the one next to that belongs to Cadenza, anddd across from that one is to Emma and her husband Corey as well as there kid."

You nod as you take in the names. "I can't wait to meet them!" You said eagerly. He just laughs a little. "Well they might be around town so we can say hi and introduce you!" You smile at him. "That would be great!"

As you walk down the stone road you pass a large building, you were confused as to what it was. "Hey Brenden what's that place?"

"Oh that's the guards quarters sorta, it's where the guards stay and also where prisoners are kept, but we don't typically get any prisoners so it's usually empty cells." He said shrugging as he did.

"I'm glad this town is peaceful," you say with a smile. He just nodded as he looked away, "well it usually is peaceful but latley it's been kind of hectic..." he looked away before sighing.

You went to go pat his shoulder but jumped when he looked at you. "Anyways let's continue the tour." I quickly nodded, a little embarrassed.

You looked behind Brenden and saw a empty home, similar to yours. "Does anyone live there?" You point to the home asking Brenden.

"No, that house is currently empty. I think Lady Aphmau just made this as an extra, a guest house you could say." He said with a pondering tone, you just nodded your head to his response.

"Lady Aphmau seems like a kind lord, to even make a house for welcoming strangers. That's so sweet.." You say with a bright smile. "She is truly kind for inviting me here... without her offer, well I don't know where I would be right now." You say with a pained smile, you frown a bit thinking about your past.

Brenden noticed your sudden behavior and rushed to cheer you up. "Hey hey now, how about I show you the farm? It's my specialty after all!" He said with a goofy smile, must be his attempt to make you smile.

You smile as you shake your head, trying to get rid of the bad thoughts. "Yes, that sounds lovely. Besides I want to see what herbs your have as well." An excited smile graced your lips as you were truly eager to see their local herbs. Seeing as you are an herbalist and all.

Brenden seemed to be happy that someone else was also intrigued by his passion. You just snickered at the site. As you past the weirdly shaped house you came to a beautiful wheat field. "Wow, this is so beautiful..." you said as you take a deep breath and listen to the wheat sway in the wind.

Brenden just smiled, "thank you, it took a while to clear out this area. But the results are worth it..." he said as he looked out at the field. "So where would you like to see next?" He said as he turned to you.

You puzzled at the thought. "I'm not really sure, but I remember seeing a big barn. Can we go there?" You say with a curious tone, looking at him.

"Great idea! It's actually close by, come follow me!" He said almost zooming off in the opposite directions. You couldn't help but giggle at this goof ball.

You speed walked to catch up to him. As you slowed down your pace once you close, you saw the giant red barn. "Wow this is really big.." you said, taken aback by the sheer size of it. (No dirty thoughts yall)

A Healers Touch || Garroth x Reader x Laurence Where stories live. Discover now