•• Chapter 6 || Fixing up the town ••

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"Sleep little baby don't you cry...
Mommas gonna ....... and if that —Doesn't" the sweet melody kept blurring out. The little girl looked at the (h/c) haired woman who was holding her in her hands. "Mom, why did we leave home? Is home gone?"

The mother just sighed as she kissed the girls forehead. "Because it's not safe my dear... now close your eyes and sleep." The mom rubbed the little girls head gently with her hand. The little girl smiled as she slowly drifted to sleep.


You woke up to the sounds of explosions, what in the world ,you thought to yourself. You walk upstairs and look out the window to see where to sound was coming from. See follow the sound and see it's coming from Kawaii~Chans home. You rushed down stairs and got dressed. You put on a black men-like shirt with black jeans. You put on your belt and throw on a pair of shoes. You didn't bother to do your hair only brush it.


You jumped at the sound. You started to worry that Something was wrong. You ran up the stairs and bolted out the door after grabbing your pocket knife. You quickly knocked on her door. "Kawaii~Chan! Is everything alright??" There was no reply.

You knocked again and waited but still no one came. After you head another explosion you gave up knocking and opened the door. You ran down stairs and was shocked to see her on the floor. "Kawaii~Chan!!" You yelled as you ran to her.

You fell down next to her and grabbed her, placing her on your lap. You shook her a little, "Kawaii~Chan?? Wake up!" You tapped her cheek slightly, panicked, you put your head on her chest.

You sighed with relief, she's not dead. You looked around her home and saw black smoke. But..what the heck happened? Kawaii~Chan suddenly sat up causing her to hit your chin. You yelped as you help your chin in pain. Kawaii~ Chan let out a groan as she help her head.

"(Y/n)~sama? What are you doing here?" She asked with innocent eyes. You paused and gave her a side eye. "I heard explosions, and I was worried about you. So when I came to see what happened I was scared to see you passed out." You said rubbing your chin.

"Oh Kawaii~Chan is just trying to make some maids to help Brian~Kun, Dale~Kun, Doctor~Kun , and Brenden~ Kun . Kawaii~Chan heard they have been working hard to fix the town so Kawaii~Chan wanted to help." She pointed to the 3 dolls that sat on a shelf. You just sighed as you have a look of defeat.

"What do you mean maids?" You asked as you stood up and offered your hand to her. She gladly took it and pulled you over to her small table. "Well Kawaii~Chan has magic that can summon maids, But Kawaii~Chan has had some problems doing it recently." She put down a plate of cookies in front of you and you happily took some.

"Well if you like I can help fix the town and even make you some elixirs that can help with you magic." You say while stuffing your face with the delicious cookies. Kawaii~Chan smiles brightly. "Thank you (Y/n)~sama you truly are so kind to Kawaii~Chan!"

You chuckle, "it's no problem that's what friends do." Kawaii Chan seemed to practically beam as she gave you a side hug. "So should I just go up to Sir Brian and ask him how I could help?"

Kawaii Chan seemed to think for a second. "Kawaii~Chan thinks that would be a great idea. And here take these too!" She gives you a basket filled with cookies. You smiled, "are these for the guys?" You said.

She nodded, "and also for (Y/n)~sama, enjoy!" You nod as you walk out the house. You walk into town and look around for Brian. After spotting him walking near the watch tower you shouted at him.

"Hey Sir Brian!" He turned to you and quickly walked over. "Hey (Y/n) Is something wrong?" He said as he rested his hand on his sword. "No I just had a quick question. I head you were fixing up the town and I wondered if I could help?"

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