•• Chapter 5 || Helping a Elf ••

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"Please! Please momma say something!" The (h/c) haired girl cried out as she held the black haired women's limp body. The smell of blood and smoke filled her lungs as she choked out cries.

"(Y—"cough" (y/n) please hide, don't....don't get found...." A shaky voiced coughed out next to her. She looked over at the (h/c) haired woman who was covered in burn marks. "B-but momma...s-she's..." before you could finished your sentence you heard shouting.

"—n)! —/n)! (Y/N)!" Your eyes darted open as you felt sweat dripping off your forehead. You heard banging on your door. "(Y/N)! ARE YOU OKAY??" The loud feminine voice rung through her ears as you groaned. You slowly sat up and put your hands on your head.

The banging continued as you got annoyed. You got up out of bed and walked upstairs. "I'm tired of these early bird villagers..." you mumbled out with an angry tone. You don't even bother to fix your bed hair as you slam open the door to see who was pounding at your door.

The blonde haired lady let out a sigh of relief as she saw you. "(Y/n)! Your okay! I've been knocking at your door for so long, I thought you were hurt or something.." she said with a shaky voice.

You took a deep breath as you rubbed your eyes. Don't get mad. Don't get mad. This town just went through a devastating crisis. It's only natural she's weary right now. "Sorry, I'm just not used to waking up early. It seems like everyone here is an early bird but me." She laughs a little.

"No no I'm sorry for not thinking about that. It's just...with you saying you could help Alexis...I got so excited.." she said as she looked down a little.

You just smiled as you patted her shoulder, "It's okay Emma, I understand. Let me get dressed, here come wait inside." You open the door for her and she quickly stepped in. You pull out a seat and wait till she sits down.

"I won't take long, if you get thirsty I have some water in that pitcher and cups are in the cabinet." She nodded as she waved her hand in a shoo shoo motion. "It's okay darling, take all the time you need."

You chuckle as you walk down the stairs. You wanted to wear something simple but nice. You decided to put on a tan blouse that sat nicely on your chest with a black undershirt. You put on some brown pants to match. You throw on a pair of black shoes and put on your black belt. You attach the leg part and start to do your hair. You pulled back the sides and did a simple updo leaving it half up half down.

After being satisfied with your look you walk upstairs and smile at Emma. "Hope it wasn't too long of a wait." You joked as you see Emma drinking some water. She smiled, "oh not at all, you look great by the way!"

You blush a little at the compliment, "oh thank you, you look great as well.." you answer quickly. You both laughed a little, "so are you ready to go?" Emma said. You nod, "yes but I need to grab a few things up here."

You open the small leg bag and walk over to the window sill. On it was the 3 vials from last night. You took one and dabbed a little on your arm to test the taste. You lick it and smile, "yup they're ready."

"What are those?" Emma said curiously. You start to put caps on them and stuff them in your leg pouch, "oh these are what I was going to give to Alexis. I don't know if they will help her fully, but it's good to try them! I'm also going to be taking a few herbs for her."

Emma nodded as she was trying to compute, you just chuckled as you grab a few herb bundles and put them in your bag. You looked to her and smiled, "well now I'm officially ready."

"Alright then just follow me!" You watch her walk out the door and quickly follow her. You made sure your door was closed before chasing her. "So can you tell me more about Molly and Zoey? You mentioned them yesterday but didn't say much."

A Healers Touch || Garroth x Reader x Laurence Where stories live. Discover now