•• Chapter 10 || A knight in shining armor ••

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"Ughhhhh" you groaned as you sat slumped over at the table. You could feel the bags under your eyes, what got into me? I was just going to have an easy night and go to bed. You looked out the window and saw the sun rising.

I was in such a good mood that I decided to make some potions, but I guess I got carried away. You looked away from the window and at the counter that had a mountain of elixirs. I ended up staying all night making some potions. Guess that's what I get for sleeping in. You sighed as you trudged your feet downstairs. You felt the same exhaustion you felt a couple nights ago.

Maybe it's because I stayed up all night? You just face planted your bed as you didn't move. Just as you were about to slip into dreamvile you heard a knock. NOOO PLEASE GO AWAY. You don't move as you hope they leave but they just knock again.

You silently cry as you start to walk up the stairs. You open the door and squint your eyes from the bright light. It was Molly, "Good Morning (Y/n)! I came because I was hoping you would give Alexis a check up? You didn't come yesterday so I was just wondering." She didn't even seem to mention how tired you looked.

You just sigh, how can I say no? She's suffering worrying about her daughter day and night. It's the right thing to do. You put on a smile, "of course, sorry I didn't come yesterday it was because I went to get more herbs for the elixirs." You motioned to the pile of elixirs you made and she seemed to beam.

"Oh I see! I'll just wait here while you go get dressed." She seemed very determined to get you to come with her. You felt your eyeball twitch, "alright than I'll be back." You close the door leaving her outside. You didn't have the energy to welcome her in right now.

You walked downstairs and got dressed. You put on a baggy beige tunic. Along with some dark brown pants. You put on your belt and sloppily put on the leg attachment. You didn't bother doing your hair. You just left it down. You splashed some water on your face as a way to wake you up. I think I took a short 1 hour nap so it should be fine.

You walk up stairs and pack up the Elixirs for Alexis. You see Molly still waiting for you. You walk out side and close the door behind you. "All ready, shall we?" You say motioning for her to go first. She nods as she starts to walk, you slowly follow behind her.

You felt like you were about to pass out if you closed your eyes for too long. You needed to start a conversation so you wouldn't fall asleep. "So is Alexis still getting smaller?" You asked her. "Yes! She has gotten much smaller thanks to you, and the power of Lady Irene of course." You tilted your head in confusion. How did Irene help?! Didn't I give her the medicine? Whatever.

"That's good, I'm glad I could help. I'm sure Lady Irene is looking over here." You didn't want to crush her spirits. Religion wasn't something you felt strong about, but you knew how important it could be for people. "Oh she is, I can feel her warmth every time I pray." She put her hands together and looked up in the sky. You just chuckled.

As we got to Molly's place we saw Aphmau walking to her place too. Molly ran to her and gave her a hug. "It's so nice to see you Lord Aphmau!" She said to her. "It's nice to see you too!" Aphmau said back.

Aphmau glanced at you and instantly knew something was wrong. You just gave her a smile and followed Molly inside. Aphmau let Molly go in but pulled you back. "Are you alright? You don't look so good." She said with a worried tone.

"I'm fine Aphmau, Besides it's only natural I help Alexis." You try to reassure her but she doesn't seem to buy it. "You shouldn't overwork yourself, you can go home and rest. You look like you need it." She put her hand on your shoulder.

"It's okay Aphmau really." You just pat her hand. She stared at you for a second before letting go, "if you says so." You just smile and walk inside. Molly motions for you two to come upstairs, after you do you are shocked.

A Healers Touch || Garroth x Reader x Laurence Where stories live. Discover now