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Harshita took her time to adjust with new sorroundings and now started her work,she works under a great name and has gained a Lil popularity...not alot though

"Rishi Bhai mumma is calling you"Harshita said to her brother who was busy playing games."Coming maa"he shouted ."I am leaving mumma"Harshita said putting tiffin in her bag."sambhal ke jana"Her mother said .

She parked her car and saw an familiar figure sitting inside another car infront of her."why is he here"she thought to herself after spotting Darshan.....he saw her and smiled...she smiled back and waved at him and he waved back while she went to her workplace

"Thank god you're here....They want some ethenic suits urgent...show them your prepared designs"Harshita's senior ordered

"Umm...who? Harshita asked
"He is waiting inside...hurry"Ishan(her senior)said

She went in and saw Darshan's manager

"Ohh....hiii again"Harshita said
"Hello"he said and smiled
"You want designs?"she asked bringing her work
"Yup..actually...one of his shoot is preponed..and we have nothing prepared so"he explained

"These are the all I have only"harshita said Showing him
"Beautiful"he complimented

He called Darshan and selected few suits and they left

"Sorry to bother you like this on weekend Harshita...you can also leave now...I knew you would have something prepared that's why I called you"Ishan said

"It's ok Ishan sir,I was free anyway"She said and smiled
"I'll leave then"Harshita took her bag and left

She started her car and her brother called
"Hello?"Rishabh said from other side
"Haa bhai?"
"Hogayi kya free?"
"Yes,Just coming home"
"Wait wait....I'll send you address....meet me there"

She drove to the address and reached there

"Harshu"he called her from behind
She looked back and went towards him
"Let's go inside"he said and dragged her

They sat on a table

"Sir order?"waiter asked
"Someone is joining us...please wait"He said
Waiter nodded and left
"Are mummy-papa coming?"Harshita asked
"No"he replied
"Toh?"She asked again

"Ummm...I don't know how to say this..."
"A-actually I wanted to tell you this before but I couldn't..."
"Listen carefully...and don't act weird okay?"

"Damn...will you say?"Harshita asked being impatient
"Harshuihavegirlfriend"he said in one breath

"Hein?"She couldn't process
"I....Meri girlfriend hai"He said nervously
"You....gf...WOWWW!!WHERE IS SHE??WHO -
"don't shout idiot"he said shusshing
"Who is she?why didn't you tell me before bhai?"She asked
"I couldn't"He said..and smiled at her reaction
"Bro I thought you'll overreact"Rishabh said

"Atleast tell me her name"
"Piyushi"Rishabh answered
"Aww..so sweet...Piyushi"Harshita said
"Don't tell mom dad yet"he said
"Ofcourse I won't"she said and rolled her eyes
"Is she coming now?"Harshita asked
Rishabh nodded and smiled

Rishabh stood up and went ...Harshita looked back and spotted him bringing a girl and understood that she was Piyushi...being over excited...Harshita waved at Piyushi and smiled widely...and Piyushi did the same

They talked for a long time and bid a goodbye...

"You both bonded really well...I didn't expect that"Rishabh said
"You are blessed to have a sister like me...just know that"Harshita said and flipped her hair
"Dhang se chalna seekh pehle"He said and went out followed by Harshita

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