8.Let's give it a try

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Walking down the stairs Harshita looked at her watch
"It's 7.05...maybe I'll have to wait for him"She said to herself
As she stepped down someone blowed horn several times...she looked at that direction and spotted Darshan inside his car smiling and signalling her to come

She went and sat inside
"When did you come?"Harshita asked
"6.55...I thought you'll be on time"He said teasingly
"Um..I am sorry...actually I had-"
He laughed and said "Oh god...I am just kidding Harshita...it's okay I just waited for 10 minutes"
"Still"She said shrugging her shoulders

They talked about few things till reaching their destination

As they walked to their table...Darshan pulled out a chair for her before sitting

He indeed is a gentleman* Harshita thought
"Thank you"she said making him smile
"What would you like to have?"he asked
"Umm...Iced latte"She answered scanning the menu
"You?"Harshita Asked him
"Whatever you will have"she flustered hearing his answer

"So..."He initiated and raised his eyebrows at her
"Don't take it otherway.... do you....just in case...have a bf?"Darshan asked
"Noo....I am single from a long time"She answered and sipped her latte
"Oh...so you were waiting for me"He said with a proud smile and she choked hearing him

Darshan quickly patted her back and handed her tissues...."chill baba...I am joking"he said chuckeled
"Your jokes are seriously something"Harshita said

"Okay let's be serious now"He said
"You don't have a bf...I also don't have any gf...so..I don't think there will be any problem...I mean only if you are okay"He asked
"Umm..I do think the same"Harshita replied
He nodded with a smile

"We'll talk with our parents"Harshita said heading towards cat
"Huh... they'll be happy as hell"He chuckled
Darshan opened the door for her and then sat inside

"Umm..we should get to know eachother more now"Darshan said focusing on the road
"For sure"Harshita said looking at him
"You like blue colour right?"Harshita asked
"Y-yeah...tumhe kese pata?"He asked
"Easy...most of the things you own are blue...your fandoms name...even most of your clothes"She said
"Ohh ...is it that obvious"he asked
"Yes"she said and laughed
"Beige"Darshan said
"Hmm?"Harshita asked being confused
"Your favourite colour...beige.. isn't it?"
"How di you know?"She asked
"Actually....I searched you on Google...hehe"He said
"Oh...so you stalk as well"Harshita said looking out
"Hey...I wasn't stalking...just collecting some information about my to be wif-"he stopped suddenly
"Waise...blue and beige goes well together....no?"Darshan asked to change topic
Harshita blushed and nodded

Soon they reached at her home... Harshita came out and looked at him...he was already smiling at her

"Bye....it was a great time"She said with a grin
"Same for me"Darshan replied
"Should we tell them together or individually?"Harshita asked
"We'll tell them today...they will meet after that anyway so.."He said
"Right...okay then...Bye"She said
"Bye...good night"Darshan said
"Good night"She turned to leave

"Harshita"Darshan called her
"Haa?"she looked back
"What?"She was confused as he handed her phone to her
"May I get your number..now?"He asked
"Ohh...y-yes why not"She said and dialed her number
"Give me a call...or text...So that I'll also get your number"Harshita said
"Ofcourse"He said
"Bye...final wala"He said and waved at her
She chuckled and waved back

Happy to Have You|Darshan Raval ffWhere stories live. Discover now