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He dialled her number coming inside and saw her near one of the corner tables...Taking out a scrunchie from her bag..Harshita was tying her hair in a ponytail and before she receives the call...Darshan hung up and went towards her
"Hellooo..dear girlfriend"He said coming from behind
"H-hii"Harshita looked back

"What's wrong...you look nervous"Darshan asked sitting in front of her
"Umm.. let's order first?"Harshita slides the menu card towards him
"I'm okay with anything"he said sliding it back
Not to waste more time...Harshita placed the order for both of them

"Harshu...kya hua?"He asked softly
She looked at him and smiled a little
"We....we are getting engaged tomorrow"Harshita said looked at her hand
"I know"Darshan smiled
"Then marriage....after a few months"she added
Harshita took a paise and sighed
"Honestly...I never thought I'll do an arranged marriage yk"she said
Darshan frowned making his smile small
"Hey..is there any problem?d-do you want to...by any chance...call off the eng-"
"No Darsh"Harshita looked at him
He felt relieved
"Then?"asked further

"It was so unexpected...Like when I moved here from LA ...I didn't even think about marriage...and then...They fixed it..we barely knew each other"Harshita chuckled
"But now we do...for almost a year"he kept his hand on hers as she nodded with a smile
"It will work na Darshan?"She looked at him...confusion,fear, anxiety and what not was visible in her eyes
"We will MAKE it work"Darshan squeezed her hand lightly
Harshita smiled and looked down
"But we-"She stopped as their order arrived

"We?"Darshan asked once the waiter went
"We...maybe w-we don't lov-"he interrupted as he saw what was coming
"Okay...Idk if I should say this now or not...and idk about you...but about me..."

"I do...I fall for you every time you tie your hair....you make me fall for you every single time you smile showing that dimple....Every time you raise your eyebrows at me Asking for a response....every time you laugh at my silly jokes and every time you blush at my cheesy pick up lines...I love you...I really do,Harshita"Darshan confessed looking in her eyes.
Harshita couldn't help but smile with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"I--i....oh god"She looked up to control her tears
Darshan handed her some tissues
"I love you too...Darshan Raval"
"I was so scared to tell you this...I thought you...you weren't ready-"she was interrupted

"I didn't tell you because I thought you understood when we had our first kiss"Darshan said
"I thought..you just wanted to"she looked around and then at her feet
"You thought I kissed you just like that... seriously harshu... c'mon I am not that nalayak yaar"he said leaning closer and then going back
"You are a celebrity.. that's why"
"Bring celebrity doesn't mean I'll go around and kiss people I don't love"He looked at her with wide eyes
"Okay...sorry"Harshita chuckled
He moved his head to the side in disbelief

Harshita's phone beeped showing a notification from Ashish
"This son of a-"darshan thought

"Btw...we will have to go to office today"Darshan said taking a bite
"Why?"Harshita frowned
"We should invite them too no?they work with us afterall"He said
"Will it be safe?what if someone leaks the news"
"I asked Naushad sir..he said No one will.... they are trustworthy"He smiled as she nodded
"Guy's...Please come here..I need your 10 minutes"Naushad announced as they stood beside him
Everyone gathered near 3 of them
"Darshan and Harshita wants to share something with you all"Naushad said and signalled them to speak
"Good evening everyone"Darshan said smiling
They greeted back
"I hope you are working fine"he added

"It's a good news... don't worry"Harshita said reading their faces

"I am getting engaged"Darshan announced
"With her"he held her hand...looking at...Ashish ofcourse...the amount of satisfaction Darshan felt seeing his reaction is just-
Everyone cheered for them....even though they were shocked..they were happy too

"You all are invited for the ceremony... please don't share the information with anyone...we trust you enough..hope you won't break it"Darshan smiled

Everyone congratulated them when they gave invitation cards
"Your presence is a must,Ashish...afterall it's your favourite's engagement"Darshan said and looked at Harshita and back at him
Ashish smiled and nodded
"Congrats mam...congrats sir...I am happy for you"he said
"Thank you"Harshita said and smiled

"See he is a good man..not how you thought"she whispered once they walked away from him
"Yeah...I misunderstood maybe"Darshan whispered recalling his fading smile:|

Happy to Have You|Darshan Raval ffWhere stories live. Discover now