5.Personal Stylist

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"Harshita...have a seat"Harshita's boss said
"Is there any problem sir?"she asked
"Not at all... actually Naushad... you know Naushad Khan?"He asked her
"Umm..I guess the owner of Indie Music?"Harshita said
"Yes ...he manages Darshan Raval"He answered
"He called me today....he was impressed by your recent styles and want you to be personal stylist of Darshan"He said
"w-hat? personal stylist"Harshita stuttered
"Hmm... There's no problem...I guarantee...they are the best people you'll ever meet..not just him but his whole team"He assured her

"And I don't want to pressure you....so just think about it and let me know by Monday"he said with a smile
"Sure...anything else?"She asked
"No..you may go to home...and yes ask me anything related to them anytime okay?"
"Okay Sir"She replied and went

Her family was having dinner so she thought of initiating the topic

"Actually...I wanted to tell you all something"Harshita said
"What?"her father asked
"wait...by any chance..DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND??"Rishabh asked
"What n-"ahe was interrupted by her mother
"God Harshu...Why didn't you tell us before...who is he? what's his name?his family?"
"Mummyyy..evum kami nathi!Tamaro dikro pagal che"Harshita said glaring at Rishabh

Her father smacked Rishabhs head"Let her finish and then talk"he said
"Su baat che Harshita?"
"Naushad Khan...Owner of the label Darshan works under ....umm...he wants me to be Darshan's personal stylist"she explained
"That's great"her father said
"Yes...Darshan is a good person to work with...and his team is also amazing...I don't think you'll have any problem"Rishabh clarified
"Should I say Yes then?"she asked
"Ofcourse....isi bahane you and Darshan will become close"her mother said
"Kya close close laga rakha hai maa....even if I say Yes... we'll ONLY WORK together"Harsita said
"Okay baba...she is just saying"her father calmed her down

Next day she informed her agency that she'll work with him and within a week Naushad messaged her to come to his office as he wanted to introduce her

"Mam Sir is calling you"Assistant said
"Oh..okay"Harshita said with a smile and went towards his cabin
She knocked and heard "come in"
"Please take a seat Hashita"he said
"Thank you"she said
"Team will be here in some time....till then I'll tell you about them"Naushad said and explained her everything
"I hope you don't have any problem with me Calling you Harshita?"he asked
"Ohh... ofcourse not sir"Harshita said with a smile
"Great...let's go"he said and she followed her

"Okay... guy's I want to introduce you to our dearest Darshan's new stylist... please behave"he said
Everyone was waiting to see who the new stylist was
"Ms.Stylist please come"Naushad said and Harshita came evryone welcomed her
"Omg..Harshita you!"Darshan said going towards her
"You know each other?"Naushad asked
"Ofcourse we do!"Darshan said
"That's great then... you'll have good time working with them Harshita ....and please guys....give her a good time you all... don't annoy her please"He said and went back to his cabin
"It'll be fun working with us"Darshan said with a grin
"Hopefully"She said with a smile as well

She greeted other members as well

As Naushad called her only for introduction and to explain upcoming works....she asked him if she can leave..and he said yes

"Bye guy's....see you soon"Harshita waved at them
"Byeee see you"Jyugal said
"Sea you?"Hardil asked him
"No..C you"Dhruwal said making a 'c' in the air
"Chup raho saalo"Darshan said
"Don't mind us Harshita...we are not mentally ill"One of the member said
"Hahah... ofcourse I don't....you guy's actually seems interesting"she said
"Byee.."She said again
"Byee"Darshan said

Rishabh came to pick her up as she didn't bring her car
She told him everything on their way

"I told they are fun"Rishabh said
"They surely are!"she agreed
"When is your first day of working with DR then,Ms.Harshita Shah?"He asked
"I'll style him day after tomorrow...he is attending someone's engagement"Harshita answered
"Wow... that's quite quick"he said

"Accha listen...I have a question"Harshita said
"What?"Rishabh asked focusing on road
"What do you call a fish with no eye?"Harshita asked
"No eye?...I swear to god ....agar yeh lame nikla na Harshu...tu maregi aaj"Rishabh warned
"Nahi yaar...just answer"she said
He thought for a while
"Blind fish?"he said
"Fsh"Harshita answered and laughed
"Chut!ya..tu rook"He stopped the car at side
"Get out"he said
She was busy laughing
"Omg you've got a funny sister"she said
"Aise joke unhe mat suna behen.... they'll reconsider their decision"he said
"That's so mean"Harshita sat straight

"We are going to Darshan's house btw"Rishabh said
"Why?"Harshita asked
"Dinner"he replied
"I won't come ....you go"she said
"You wish"He said
"Mom keeps saying you look close...you look close yaar... what's wrong with her"Harshita whined
"That's typical mom nature Beta....if you want her to stop..make a bf and introduce him to her"Rishabh said
"Huh...yk what.. don't ever give anyone advice please!"She said

They reached home got freshen up...and then she bragged about her day to her parents

"It's 7.30....They said to come by 8...get ready everyone"Her mother yelled from kitchen
"Yess...you too get ready"Rishabh said
"Tell your father as well"her mother again
"This woman....we are going for dinner what is she doing in the kitchen God knows"her father said to Harshita
"None of your business...GO get ready"she yelled from kitchen startling her father
"Ahh..Fine...I am going.....tamari maa danger che"He said looking at Harshita...she just laughed and went to get ready

They reached at his home around 8.30

"You are 30 minutes late Pawan"Rajendra(his father) said looking at clock
"C'mon it's not like we have a professional meeting or something"Pawan(her father) defended
They greeted them and talked for sometime

Bell rang and Rajal opened it
"Are they here?"he asked in low voice
She nodded...he went in with a warm smile
"Namaste Aunty,Namaste uncle"he said and took blessings
"Arey beta"they hesitated
"Khush raho"
"Aur Rishabh..how was your trip?"Darshan asked Rishabh with a smirk
"Great Bhai"Rishabh said trying to make it look normal
"I'll get changed and come"Darshan said

They had their dinner and again sat in living room...their parents were signalling something to each other

"What's wrong...what are you doing"Darshan asked noticing
"What...n-nothing hahah"Rajendra said
"Dinner was really delicious Aunty"Harshita said everyone agreed
"Aww..thank you beta"Rajal said with a smile

Darshan's father cleared his throat
"Actually...Darshan and Harshita...we wanted to talk something"he said
"What?"they asked
"Pawan..go ahead"Rajendra said
"M-me??Rajal bhabhi will say"Said Pawan
"Jayashri hai na...go Jaya"she said

Harshita sensed that something was serious
"Be quick...you're making us worried"Harshita said
"Exactly"Darshan said
"Wewantyoubothtogetmarried"Jayashri said in one breath
They both took some time to process what she said
"WHAT"both said

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