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Darshan went to Kolkata as he had concert

Next day~

Waking up,Harshita got ready and went down

"Harshita I've kept breakfast in the hotpot...your tiffin is also packed"the maid said
"Okayy...thank you"Harshita smiled at her
"Good morning Father"she said sitting beside him
"Good morning daughter"he replied
"Here,have your breakfast"Harshita handed him his plate
"Let's sit on the table"he got up
"It's fine here"she said
"No..we shouldn't watch tv while eating"
"Papa pleasee"
"Chalo"He said sternly
Not having any option...she too went to eat on the table
"Maa se baat Hui?"Pawan asked
"No..I'll call her"Harshita dialed her number
"I'll come before 8....eat your lunch on time...byeee"She said running out with car keys
"Theek se jana"Pawan said and sighed
"Haaa"she shouted from outside
"Good morning"Harshita greeted
"Good morning"Her juniors said
She smiled at them and went to her cabin

"Yes mam?"Mahi asked entering
"Send all of these designs ahead"Harshita said
"Okay"She went
Harshita groaned seeing the work she had to finish by today.
"I'll be late I guess"Closing her eyes she leaned back on her chair

*Papa I'll be late....have dinner on time!*She texted Pawan and started her work

"Send a coffee please"
Harshita's phone rang...it was Darshan
"Videocall?"She mumbled and picked up

"Hii pretty girl"Darshan said as soon as she received
"Hii handsome"She replied
"Ohh...true that"He said running his fingers through settled hair
"Hair set kiye hai Darshan!"A voice came from behind making him stumble
"H-haa"he said in low voice and Harshita laughed
"Aagaya swaad?"
"Wait I'll go inside.... Don't follow me...I want privacy!"He said.... probably to his friends
"So,what do you think?"Darshan asked keeping the phone somewhere and showing her his look
"Wow! Amazing"Harshita said 👍🏻
"Your fans will go crazy"her
He chuckled
"Just how I go when I see you"
"Stop it Darshan...go you will be late"Harshita said blushing
"Yes.. I'll call you after I'm done "He said
"Sure....all the best"
"Thank you...byeee"
"Bye byee"

Getting back to her work...she got up when she was fully done...around 10.30pm

Streching her body,she took her phone
*Okay...drive home safe*her father has replied
Harshita dialed his number but he didn't answer
"So Gaye kya"She thought to herself and dialed Darshan's number...he also didn't pick up
"He is not done yet I guess"She said glancing at the clock
Entering the house...Harshita went towards the dining table to take water..and saw a covered plate of food with a note 'kha le na'.She smiled at her father's actions
Finishing her food she went up to check up on him and saw him sleeping so she too went to her room to sleep

Around 1.30am, Harshita's sleep broke due to some noise...first she thought it might be an accident but later she went to check

"PAPA"She shouted seeing her father lying on the floor unconsciously .
Harshita went near him and tapped his cheek multiple times
"Don't close your eyes"she said rubbing his palm
"w-what should I d-do"Harshita dialed Darshan's number with shaky hands but it was switched off...maybe because he had a concert....she managed to dial one of their neighbours number but it wasn't received.
Seeing him getting worse....she didn't waste more time and took him to her car and started driving

"Which hospital must be open"she thought to herself and within a few minutes Darshan called her back when she was driving...she immediately answered

"Were yo-"
"Everything alright Harshita?"he sensed her frightened voice
"Papa...h-he...idk what happened...but he is u-unconscious...which hospital sh-"
"City hospital...paas bhi hai...and listen... tension mat lo okay?I-.... I'll be there asap....just hurry now...and don't be stressed...you have to handle him"
Harshita hummed
"Keep updating me"

Not wasting any further time,Darshan got up
"Jyugal...Hardil get up"He shook them
"Kya hai yaar"Hardil mumbled in sleep
"We have to leave now it's an emergency...I'll tell you everything otw...get up"Darshan said and went to change

He told them everything and informed his manager as well...he was OTP almost all the time... talking with Harshita to keep her calm as they didn't tell anyone... Although he sent one of his friend to be there

Darshan was in Mumbai around 6am....directly going to the hospital....he asked the receptionist and went near them

Harshita got up from her seat when they entered and passed them a smile...he understood it was weak
"Baitho baitho"Jyugal said
"Na..it's okay"She said sounding low
"Did he just sleep?"Hardil asked
"Ha..1-2 hours"She replied to which he nodded.
Darshan looked at her....it felt like her eyes are willing to say something...he said "everything will be okay"with expressions

"Uhm...You guys go out for sometime...we will keep a watch on uncle"Hardil said
Darshan nodded and went out followed by Harshita.
"You mana-"Harshita interrupted him with a hug and let out everything she was holding
Darshan wrapped his arms around her securely.
"I-i was so scared"She said in between... crying in his embrace
He kept caressing her back... listening to everything she says.
Darshan's heart sank seeing her like this....he didn't stop her from crying because now he was there to handle her
"You handled the situation very well...and everything is good now..hm?"He pulled out after she was done and pecked her forehead
Harshita was looking at him like a lost kitten
Wiping her eyes,Darshan took out a handkerchief and gave it to her
"Let's go...you must haven't had anything na"he said dragging her towards the cafeteria
"I don't w-"
"You thought I was asking?No I am telling you that you are going to eat something now...got it?"He looked at her
Harshita nodded like a kid staring at him with her little puffy eyes

Happy to Have You|Darshan Raval ffWhere stories live. Discover now