21.Not so calm

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"is there anything to worry about?"Darshan asked the doctor
"Not at all... He missed his medications...that's all"Doctor said
"how long it must have been that he has started taking medicine for bp?"
"I guess...2 or 2.5 years now"Doctor replied
He nodded as a response
"He'll get discharge today...his BP is stable now"Doctor said
"Oh okay...thank you"Darshan passed a small smile


"Why didn't you tell us earlier?"Rishabh said
"Earlier?It happened in the night and I am telling you right in the morning"Harshita replied
"Exactly!you should've called me at night"
"Kya kar lete aap waha se bhai?my mind wasn't working at that time"She said
"It never does anyway"
Harshita rolled her eyes
"You would've panicked too.... that's why I decided to tell you when he is all good"
"How did he forget to take medicine?"Rishabh asked
"How would I know?(sarcastic chuckle)I didn't even know he has a medicine"Harshita said
"Harshu we.... actua-"
"You what?you were going to tell me?when?"
Rishabh didn't say anything
"Tu yaha LA main-"
"You know what bhai... let's just talk about it when you come back...bye..take care"She said and hung up

"Uhm..Harshita beta"Pawan called out
She looked at him
"Let it go no-"
"Let go what papa?You are having bp problem from last 2 years...you didn't even tell me...did you forget that I am also part of your family?"Harshita bursted out
"It's not like that Harshu...how can we forget you?We didn't tell because you would get stressed...you were in LA that time"He explained
"It's been 1 and a half yr I am here Papa!"She said and went towards window not wanting to continue the conversation
Pawan signalled Darshan to convince her.
Going near her,he caressed her shoulder
Harshita looked at him and wiped the corner of her eyes
"Do you think what they did is right?"
"Not right...but not wrong actually"He said making her look at him in confusion
"Matlab....just how we decided yesterday to not to tell Rishabh and aunty about all this because they'll get tensed .... that's what they thought harshu"He said
"But I've been here for more than a year now Darshan!they could've told me"
"You are right...but....I don't think this is the right time to talk about that..hmm?.... let's sort it out later?"Darshan tilted his head to get a better view of her face
She nodded

"I am sorry for bursting out papa"Harshita said
"It's okay....I understand you are worried"He smiled
"But you should take care of yourself no?How can you forget medicine?"She scolded him like a teacher
"Sorry meri maa...it won't happen again...I promise"He said as Darshan chuckeled
"Dekhlo... you'll also have to be prepared this"Pawan said to Darshan
"Yeah sure"Darshan laughed

Days later

"Yes Darshan?"
"What are you doing?"he asked
"Checking the final designs"Harshita replied sandwiching her phone between her ear and shoulder....going through the designs
"Still at work?"Darshan asked surprised
"Yup...about to leave now"she said keeping the papers on the table
"Okay I'll hang up now...drive safe...and call me when you reach home"He said
"Sure"Harshita smiled

"Sh!t 2%charging...great"she said to herself
Sitting inside...Harshita started her car
Everything was fine until the car stopped in the middle of the road "wtf" she cursed under her breath....Harshita got out with her phone and opened the engine compartment.
Tucking her hair strands behind her ear she looked carefully hoping that she will understand but couldn't

Harshita looked around....the road was empty and dark
"What to do now"
"There should be a garage nearby"She searched for a garage OTP
'lets just call Darshan'her brain said and she closed the tab to dial his number but her phone died
"Damn it"She slammed it against the car

Harshita waited for around 30-35 minutes to seek help...and then decided to walk as there was no option...she couldn't contact anyone nor she could ask a stranger for lift as it was almost 12am....Harshita hesitated at first but didn't have any other option

Darshan's side:

He dialed her number for the 5th time now....it said it was switched off
"I just talked to her"he said pushing his hair back
"Maybe her phone died and she has kept it on charge? possible"Darshan thought
"But....I told her to inform me when she reaches home"
To make his heart light and thoughts disappear...Darshan dialled Pawan's number

"Hello....uncle sorry to disturb your sleep....but..Harshita aayi hai?"Darshan asked
"Nahi beta...she said she will be late...aati hogi"
"I'll call her and che-"
"No!...I-i just called her...she said she will be leaving in an hour...I was just checking if she was pranking..hehe"Darshan said so he doesn't worry
"Arey nahi nahi...she is over working these days... doesn't listen to me...tum dekhlo batake"Pawan said
"Sure...sorry aap so rah-"
"C'mon it's fine...I wasn't in deep sleep anyway"
"Thank god...chalo fir...I'll call you again..bye..gn"
"Haa ha.. goodnight"

"Where the hell are you Harshita"he said to himself and dialed her number again

'the number you have called is currently switched off'it said
Darshan was tensed by now....she left the office 45 minutes ago and wasn't at home yet
"It hardly takes 30 minutes to reach her home from office..."he thought
"Let's move Darshan"with this...he stormed out of his room and house with the keys

Going the way from her office to home...Darshan noticed one car...he focused on the number plate
"Harshu?"left his mouth and he got out of his car.
"Harshita?"he called her going near the car.... turning on the flashlight...he saw that the car was empty.
Pearls of sweat gathered on his forehead thinking of possibilities
"N-no no Darshan....the car is locked...and.. keys are not there...she must be safe...she IS safe"he rushed back to his car and started driving again with his shaky hands.

He stopped the car when he noticed a walking figure
Darshan sighed in relief when he realised it was her...."Harshita"he shouted and started going towards her
"Darshan?"She looked at him
"What's wrong"Harshita asked seeing him
"What's wrong?are you serious?"Darshan said panting
"Actually my ca-"
"Get in the car"he said sternly
"Be Quick"It was the first time Harshita was facing this side of him

Going towards his car...they sat inside
Darshan inhaled heavily...closing his eyes.. gripping on the steering wheel
"Were you worr-"
"No.. definitely not...why would I be right?it's totally normal to walk on the streets...there were so many people no?"he said
Harshita remained silent

"I-...Car stopped and my phone was dead...so I couldn't conta-"
"GODDAMN IT HARSHITA!"Darshan banged his hand on the steering wheel
Harshita flinched at his voice
"Do you have any idea how worried I was?I called you hundred times"
"D-darshan gadi band pad gayi...Maine try Kiya par chalu nahi ho payi"She replied
"So...YOU DECIDED TO WALK..?IT'S 12.15AM!YOU LEFT THE OFFICE 45 MIN AGO AND STILL WASN'T AT HOME....I...I WAS SO-....THIS IS NOT LA...MUMBAI HAI YEH"he took a breath....and leaned back on his seat closing his eyes...to control his rage
"anyway...let's just go...or else your dad will also get worried"Darshan said starting the car...not looking at her
Harshita looked out of the window...holding her tears

No one talked till they reached her house.
Stopping the car...He didn't even look at her
Harshita looked at him hoping he would say something..but he looked away feeling her stare.
"Sorry"She mumbled and got down...shutting the door behind her...waiting for him to at least say goodbye

Darshan glanced at her and drove off.
Harshita stood there...tears welled up in her eyes
"what was my mistake?"She said and wiped her tears before going inside

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