32.Work sucks!

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*are you coming to the office?*Harshita messaged Darshan
*No...have to go to the studio*he replied
*Okay...call me when you are free... we'll grab a coffee..maybe?*she texted
*Sureeee ladylove<3*Darshan

Harshita giggled and started her work again
After working for a long time...she stretched her body and checked the time

*Let's meet at the Starbucks near your office..4.30?...I'll be there*Darshan has texted
*Sounds good*she replied

"It's 4.15 already...I should hurry"Harshita said to herself

She reached there around 4.45 and went inside to look for him....he hadn't arrived yet
"Thank god"she thought and sat on a table waiting for Darshan

He didn't answer her calls...she thought he might be driving

There was no sign of Darshan Raval's arrival

Harshita sighed looking at her wristwatch and called him once again....it wasn't answered so she decided to call kartik

"Hello?"Kartik received
"Hello..Kartik sir is Darshan there?"she asked
"Yes Harshita Actually..They are discussing something important"Kartik told
"Oh...um..when will he be free?"her voice lowered
"Composer and they just arrived...so they just started...dk how much time it will take"
"Do you want me to deliver your message to him?"he asked
"No no...I just...he wasn't answering so I called you"she said
"Oh I see... alright then...bye"
"Yeah..bye"she said and hung up

She looked at the worker who was looking at her from the counter

"5 classic cinnamon swirls"Harshita told
"Here or-"
"Takeaway"she smiled

"I wasted my fuck'ng 2 hours"Harshita mumbled sitting inside and closed the door with a jolt

Harshita came down after freshening up

"HARSHUUU"Rishabh shouted from the living room
She looked at him asking what
"You are the best"He said eating his cinnamon swirl
She chuckled and went near him
"When did you come?"Harshita asked sitting on the other couch
"Just..15 minutes pehle"he replied stuffing his mouth
She nodded as a response
"Darshan ka aur ek shoot hai na kal"he said
"Hoga..maybe"she shrugged and laid back
"Kya hu-"
"Bhai yaar..dimag mat Khao"she groaned

"Welcome back my lady"he said spotting Piyushi as she smiled at him
"Come...eat CS"Rishabh said
"CS?"both the girls looked at him in confusion
"Cinnamon swirl"He grinned and Piyushi rolled her eyes
"Will you shut up"Harshita looked at him being irritated
"Harshu come we will sit in the kitchen...yeh bohot bakchod insaan hai"Piyushi said as Harshita followed her
"You guys are so mean I swear🥲"Rishabh said

Harshita's phone vibrated after sometime

Incoming video call from Darshan

She thought of not responding but went to her room anyway.
Locking the door from inside,she picked up

"Iam extremeeeeely sorry...so sorry Harshi"Darshan spoke immediately
She just stared at him
"Please...say something"He said
"I waited for 2 hours Darshan"Harshita said looking at her nails
"I swear I was ready to leave in an hour but then the composer and all came...It..just slipped away...they went a while ago...I am so sorry"He said
"It's alright "Harshita smiled
"Are you sure?"he widened his eyes
"Did you eat?"Harshita asked
"No...we will eat now"Darshan replied
She nodded
"Dopahar ko kya khaya?"
"Uh.. actually...dopahar ko time hi nahi Mila to-"
"Are you mad or what!?it is 9.30pm and you are having your first meal of the day..are you serious Darshan?"Harshita scolded him
"Phone dekhne ka time bhi nahi tha baba"He said making her sigh

"Really not good....I know it's hectic but at least eat!"she said
He smiled ear to ear
"What?"Harshita asked
"I love you"he said and her cheeks heated up
Darshan laughed
"Someone is blushing just by hearing I love you...that too from her to be husband🤣"he said
"Shut up...and go eat"she said trying to hide her blush
"Your sight is enough to recharge me"he winked
"Haha very nice...eat now!..bye"
"Idk when will we talk again yaar... don't hang up so soon"Darshan complained
"How long are you going to be busy?"she asked
"It has just started"he smiled bitterly

They talked for a while and hung up

"HARSHITA"Rishabh called
"Coming"she said and went down
They sat in the living room after having dinner

"Harshu"Rishabh called her
She looked at him
"Fcuk you"he said smiling
"Aish nonsense why are you calling mumma?she won't help ....call Darshan instead"he winked
"Ewww bhaaai"Harshita made a disgusted face, throwing a cushion at him

A few days later:

"Ha usey call karke dekho...hello?"Darshan said as he picked up
"10 call kiye hai sabko"someone said from his side
"Hey"Harshita said
"Harshu I'll call you later"Darshan said
"You don't call"Harshita replied narrowing her eyebrows
"Darshan you call him"someone from his side
"Ha"he replied
"Harshita ..I'll call you af-"
"Bhul jaate ho tum Darshan"she complained
"I won't...I pro-"
"No!...just 5 minu-"
"Wtf...I am telling you I will call you later then I will call you later....I am working rn"he shouted in low voice and hung up

Harshita gawked at her phone
"As if I am free"she though to herself
"I aM wOrKiNg"Harshita mocked Darshan and rolled her eyes...getting back to her work

"Argh...f you DARSHAN RAVAL"

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