28.I didn't know I wanted

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"why are you not coming with them?"Darshan asked otp
"Mom said you are not necessary🙂"Harshita told him
"C'mon...to be bride should be there too"He whined
"They want to discuss something Darshan... there's no need of me...and I am going with bhai to see the venue"She said
"Tch..then there's no need of me as well!"
"But you said you will join them when they asked!"Harshita said
"Mujhe laga tha tum bhi aaogi"he said
"Don't be dramatic Mr.Raval..please"she said
"(Sigh) Atleast tell me what should I wear"He said
"Clothes ofc..what else?"
"Haha..very funny"he was annoyed
Harshita giggled
"I'll send you a picture"he said and sent a photo within minutes

"What say?"Darshan asked
"Um... don't you think it'll look overdressed"Harshita said

She sent him his photo from Instagram
"This is good..go with this"Harshita said and opened his Instagram
"Okayy"he said
"But wait....do you stalk me Ms.Shah?"Darshan teased and she could see his smirk through the phone call
"Oh please...it must be hard not to stalk when you have such a handsome Man"He said taking out the outfit she chose
"Yeah.He thinks tha-"
"Shut up Mad woman"he said with a chuckle
"Ofcourse"Harshita said and smiled being so done

"Harshu...come down please"her mother called out
"Coming"she shouted

"Ha ha...I heard...go bye... I'll also get ready"he said
"Yup Bye"She said and hung up

"What's wrong mumma?"Harshita said coming down
"Beta keep these in that bag please...we are running late"Jayashree said
"Where is dad?"She looked around
"Don't you know him....he is outside...doing his cars 'skin care' "Jayashree said looking out with irritation and Harshita laughed
"He loves his car"Harshita said
"Way too much"Jayashree said continuing her work

"You told about your leaves na?"Jayashree asked
"Yes yes"she replied

"Bhaaaiiii"Harshita shouted
"Aaya"he shouted back from his room
"Kitni der"
He grinned at her not saying anything
"Lock the door"he said
"No way...you came late..you will lock"Harshita said
"Harshu stop being nonsense...lock the door"he said
"You lock it"she said going away
"Fine.I won't move until you lock the door now"Rishabh stood beside the wall...folding his arms
"I hate you!"Harshita came back stomping her feet and locked the door

"Is Piyu bhabhi not joining us?"she asked settling inside the car
"No"He replied
"Ask her...you have her number don't you?"Rishabh said
"Calm down man...why so angry?"She said looking at him as he started the car.
He moved his head to the sides
"You fought?"Harshita asked
"Not me!She did"He said
"What happened"

Rishabh narrated her their fight

"I casually said that yaar....there was no need to make a fuss about it"he gripped the steering wheel
"Okay..I understand your point...but thinking from her side...maybe she was already frustrated and then you said that...your timing is always wrong you know... that's why she got mad"Harshita told
"But she should know what to take seriously and what not right"Rishabh said
"She does bhai...kabhi kabhi nikal jata hai gussa...and we get mad at our people only no?"
"Aisa bolke apne logo ko pelte hai sab"He chuckeled
"Not at all"

"Let it be... we'll solve that... tell me... how's you and Darshan Bhai doing?"He asked
"Good"Harshita's lips curved automatically
"Woah...I see... someone got what you wanted huh"he bumped their shoulders
"Nah...I got what I didn't know I wanted"She smiled thinking about him
"That's right"Rishabh giggled looking at the road
"I didn't know"she said after sometime
"What?"Rishabh looked confused
"We can talk without arguing"Harshita said as both of them laughed
"Arguing is love language baby"
"For sure"she said

Rishabh showed her the venue and told about how the arrangements are supposed to be....and then dropped her home and went as he Got a call from Piyushi...yes the one he was complaining about a while ago...But this is loveeee>

"Fu*k"Harshita cursed after she fetched her bag for the keys
she took her phone out to call Rishabh but received a call from her father

"Yes papa?"
"Are you back beta?"he asked
"Haa..just now..but"she said
"But?"Pawan frowned
"Papa woh... actually keys are in the car and bhai left already"She told
"Where did he go?"He asked
" bhabhi had some work"
"Accha...so now you are outside the house?"
"Of course"she said and sighed
"You should have took the keys Harshu"
"I forgot...I thought they were in my bag"she said
"Wait I'll call hi-
"As if he will come"
"Usey yahi bulalo"Rajendra said
"HA..I mean ...haa...should I go...bring her?"Darshan who was sitting in front of them...asked as excitement filled inside him
"No no...papa tell him there's no need"Harshita heard them
"Listen to us Harshu beta..come here..Darshan will come"Rajal said
"Don't be stubborn"
"Fine then...but there's no need to pick me up...I'll take cab"she said
"No..I will come..it's fine"
"It's either that I'll come by cab or I won't"Harshita said
"Fine..come soon"Pawan said

Harshita came in half an hour

"How's my beautiful baby"Rajal hugged her as she stepped in
"Good aunty"she grinned hugging her back
"Aur taiyyari kaisi hai beta"Rajendra asked
"Acchi chal Rahi hai sab..ab aap sab hai to..chinta nahi hai kuch"she said

"I am also here though"Darshan
"Hii"Harshita smiled
"Hello"he smiled back

"You two can go to his room..if you want"Rajal said
"Um..it's f-"
"Haina.. let's goo... I'll show you my room"He said getting up immediately
Harshita looked at him as he dragged her
"She has seen your room already though"Rajal said
"She wants to see one more time"he replied going up with her
Parents of both of them chuckled

They talked about their lives and then Darshan went down to bring water

Coming back...he saw her standing at the window..he kept the jug at the table
"View is so beautiful from here"Harshita said as she knew he came
"Sunset to mast dikhta hoga na"she asked

"Hmm"He slipped his hands around her waist slowly
Harshita froze feeling his breath on her neck
Chills ran down her spine as Darshan brushed his nose on her ear.
Turning her around...He pushed her to the wall..colliding their bodies
"S-someone mi-"
"Shhh"he kept his index finger on her lips and shut the window
Harshita closed her eyes ready to feel his lips on hers.
She opened them after sometime and found him looking at her...his stare..as deep as the Pacific Ocean~
"D-a...darsh"she whispered
"Hmm?"he held her cheek with his one hand

Both were just inches apart...staring into eachother's eyes.

Harshita looked down at his lips and sealed them with hers.
Darshan pulled her closer deepening the kiss as the time passed by...

That's it!

Soon they were done and called back to the living room

"We've thought of arranging a kind of family gathering a day after tomorrow"Jayashree said
"Family gathering?"both of them said
"Haa... relatives will meet you two... you'll also get to know them"Rajal said
"Baki ka chalo...table PE batate hai"Rajendra said getting up
"Haa sure"Darshan said and went towards the dining table with others

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