The hallucination

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763 words
Content warning: schizophrenia, hallucinations
(Vital to read each chapter in order or story won't make sense)

Jaiden POV
I opened my eyes to Roier shaking me, holding me by my shoulders.
"Jaiden." He gasped and embraced me into a hug, pulling me into him. I was still stunned, scared, confused, so I just sat there on the cold, wet grass, frozen. I eventually hugged him back, wrapping my wings around us.
"Roier I'm scared." I whispered to him. It had mostly stopped raining, it was just a slight trickle now. Instead of responding he just held me tighter. My eyes burned with tears, but they wouldn't fall. I felt dizzy, event after a few moments of sitting there the flowers, trees, and birds still blurred around us. The only thing I could focus on was Roier.
"Roier are you okay? Are you hurt?" I pushed him away from the hug, still holding his arms, to scan him up and down for anything.
"No, I'm fine Jaiden."
"Jaiden we have to go." He got up and offered me his hand which I took as he helped me up. He wrapped my arm around his neck and his around my waist to stop me from shaking and stumbling so much.

We made it back to his place and he leaned me against the outside wall as he fumbled for his keys and unlocked the door, helping me inside.
"Bobby!?" He called.
"Si papa?" He called from up in his room and I let out a sigh of relief at the sound of his voice.
"No importa- never mind!" Roier called, still clearly unscrewed and confused as to what the situation is. We went upstairs to sit down on the couch I had been using as a bed. He wrapped me in a blanket and left to go get towels to dry us up. Just as he left the room I broke down. Tears streamed down my gauge as I lost my breath again, hyperventilating. "Jaiden you okay?" He asked walking back into the room, and instantly ran downstairs. After a few moments he was back and sitting next to me with an inhaler. I was still struggling to breathe as I cried so he rubbed soothing circles in my back while he brought the puffer to my mouth. "Breathe in... 2... 3... 4... and out... 2... 3..." he said softly, clocking down on the inhaler. "In... 2... 3... 4... out... 2... 3..." he repeated the breathing steps with me a few more times before putting the inhaler onto the round, wooden coffee table.
"I'm sorry." I said, barely more than a breath, but he heard.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, it's not your fault." He continued to draw soft shapes around my back and shoulders.
"But if I weren't here you wouldn't have to worry about all this."
"Jaiden stop." He said cruelly.
"But it's just-"
"Jaiden." He growled at me to stop talking about it.

I twisted my body to hug him again, making him more wet with my soaked wings, but he didn't seem to mind.
"I don't know what's going on, that's never happened before." I mumbled into his chest.
"We, and the others around us, will be able to figure it out and help you okay?" He reassured me, stroking my hair. I soon fell asleep, still in Roier's arms. I was overcome by a feeling of warmth and safety that I hadn't felt for a long time, despite the water that still soaked my clothes and wings, and my tear stained cheeks.

I woke up during the night, looking out the window to see the beautiful inky sky. As I scanned the room I noticed Roier laying on an air mattress he had positioned on the floor not far from where I was sleeping. He was still in his clothes and I could see damp patches on the mattress. He didn't have a blanket and was curled tightly around a pillow that he buried his face in. He had given me a some warm blankets and a few pillows too. I slowly stood up and grabbed one of my blankets off the couch, I silently creeped over to his bed so that I wouldn't wake him and I draped the blanket over him, feeling bad that he was probably cold because of me. I crawled back onto the couch and under the blanket. "Thank you, Roier. For everything." I whispered, getting comfortable. I smiled before dozing off again, snuggled into one of the soft couch cushions.

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