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1564 words
Content warning: extreme detailed death of a kid, sexual assault/abuse, court trial, crying, yelling, derealisation

Jaiden POV
I arrived at the building 10 minutes early to find Charlie already sitting inside.
"Charlie?" I said softly as I walked to where he was slumped over the table asleep. His hair was all messy and his eyes were puffy from crying, I felt bad for him. Taking his wife to court over his daughter that Mariana killed. The thought of it still made me sick.

How can Mariana even live with himself? I thought, thinking of how just one little slip ended his daughter's life with a hard and horrifying stab in the chest. I thought of how the blade would've pierced her skin and how the hot burgundy blood poured out of her chest, pooling around both her and Mariana. I thought of the panic, struggle, and pain she would've felt before the relief of death. How could that sort of a thing even happen, why would he have a knife while tucking his daughter into bed? I thought of the blood-curdling scream that the girl would've let out at her moment of realisation. The short heaves while she tried desperately to breathe. I wonder what she was thinking, did she know she was dying? did she think he meant to kill her? I don't know.

"Oh Jaiden, hi." He mumbled to me.
"You okay buddy? I know you've had a rough time recently and this is all a lot..." I placed a hand on his shoulder and sat down next to him.
"Yeah I'm fine," he said fixing his glasses, "oh I like your suit!" he smiled looking me up and down.
"Thank you!" I replied brightly. I got up and told him I was going to go and greet everyone else, telling him he should do the same but to stay out of trouble. I saw Maximus - the judge - Quackity, and Mariana - the defendant.

"Hello, Mariana." I said in a monotone voice as I reached out to shake his hand. He took my hand to shake it as I flinched heavily at his touch and pulled my wings in close. his hand was shaky and sweaty and his bloodshot eyes were constantly darting around the room.
"Sorry." He mumbled as he noticed my wings receding. he pulled his hand away from mine and began scratching his palms to stop them from shaking, almost drawing blood. I turned away, unable to be around him anymore and made my way over to Quackity. Quackity and I were both defending Charlie, I knew Charlie didn't have enough trust in anyone to just have one lawyer, I found it kind of funny. Quackity and I talked about our plan and structure for the case, even though we both knew it was all going to fall apart and turn into a mess.

I walked back over to where Charlie was sitting to find his chair empty. I stepped outside of the courthouse and still couldn't see him... or Mariana. Shit. I thought to myself. As I walked around the side of the building I heard talking and knew it was Mariana and Charlie, I didn't want to intrude, but wanted to make sure that everything was okay, so I stayed put around the corner peering around the wall to see them.

"You know it wasn't my fault." Mariana growled and pushed Charlie against the wall, pressing his hand into the space next to Charlie's head. I saw Charlie begin to tear up and look down to the ground.
"Mari, I'm sorry..." he choked out.
"You fucking should be!" Mariana yelled bringing his face closer to Charlies. He used his free hand to grab Charlie's jaw, forcing him to look at him. Mariana pressed his lips against Charlies, still firmly holding onto his face, as Charlie squirmed and clawed at him.
"Get... off... me!" Charlie cried, being muffled by their kiss. What's going on? I thought to myself as Charlie continued to try and push him away, but Mariana just got closer, clearly stronger than him. He pressed his body against Charlie's and moved his hands down Charlie's sides, still kissing him.
"Mariana!" Charlie begged him, now hyperventilating and sobbing. Charlie struggled to move and hit Mariana in attempt of escape.
"Don't touch me mi amore." He said, shoving him back against the wall hard enough for Charlie to let out a cry.
"terminará rápidamente." Mariana said, kissing his neck.

I have to do something. I can't just stand here or leave... I thought.
"Charlie? Charlie where are you?" I called from around the corner, hoping that Mariana would stop and leave him alone.
"Oh, J-Jaiden I'm just around here." Charlie said, turning the corner and wiping his eyes. I briefly looked for Mariana to see that he had disappeared around the other side of the building. I turned back around to Charlie and pulled him into a hug.
"I'm sorry Charlie." I told him while he hugged me back, pulling me so tight I found it hard to breathe for a moment.
"I don't know what to do Jaiden..." he whispered as I felt tears dripping on my shoulder, he knew that I knew now about what was going on with Mariana, or at least I knew the least of it.
"I know... it'll be okay, I promise." In all honestly, I didn't know anything. I wasn't sure that it would be okay, his daughter had just died and how was he going to escape Mariana? There wasn't anything I could do really but help calm him down.

After staying there for a while with Charlie I heard Maximus calling everyone to the courthouse.
"You okay?" I patted Charlie's shoulder as we walked back to the entrance.
"Yeah." He sighed, fixing his suit and hair.
"We got this." I was reassuring myself more than anything.

We got to the door as people were still walking in and talking outside. thank god were not late. I thought to myself as I entered, holding the door open for Charlie who was fiddling with his fingers. We took our seats close to the front next to Quackity as Maximus' voice echoed through the hall.
"The trial is in session." He stated as my eyes dashed around the room. I didn't have to be doing this, I could've left it solely to Quackity, but I wanted to help Charlie, and I wanted the best for all of the kids as well, especially Juana. I partially felt responsible for her death, a few days prior she had been asking me if I could take her in, I was confused and unaware of her situation with such inactive and immature parents. I told her that I could talk to Charlie and Mariana about her possibly staying with us sometimes, but before I could she disappeared. I should've known something was off, should've gone to find her, insist that she stayed with us and kept safe. I guess I trusted Charlie's judgement enough to never question anything about Juana or Mariana.

The rest of the trial was a blur. I was called up to give my opening statement I had previously prepared as my body went into autopilot. After a few arguments, some images and videos, a few statements, and a lot of yelling the jury had come to their conclusion. "I have a verdict about Juana Flippa. She will come back to life with one heart." Maximus' voice  rang through the room as I heard the joint echo of everyone's relief.
"However, both Mariana and Charlie will be jailed until they receive bail." I looked to Charlie in shock as he just smiled at me.
"Thank you Jaiden." He said walking over to me and placing an awkward hand on my shoulder. I don't really know why, but I pulled him into a deep hug.
"I'll always support you Charlie." I said as tears flooded to my eyes, but I pushed them down, I couldn't let everyone see how sensitive and vulnerable I was.
"Hands off." A security guard said - appearing out of nowhere - as he took Charlie's hands and roughly bent them around his back.
"Agh." Charlie yelped as the guard fastened his hand cuffs to the point where is was pressing hard against his skin. I flinched and reached for Charlie.
"Hands off!" The guard growled at me again as I stepped back. I saw the other security guard cuff Marina from across the room as he stared right at me, his look so destructive that it felt like his eyes were threading pins through my face.
"Thank you, again, for everything. You guys were so amazing," Charlie said looking from Quackity back to me.
"You can bail him out tomorrow morning." One of the guards grumpily said to us as before escorting Charlie out.
"Please look after Flipa for me for tonight!" Charlie added as he was leaving, whipping his head around to show his adorable and excited smile that he couldn't hide. I heard the muffled sound of the guard getting annoyed with him as he shoved Charlie through the door from behind.

I guess I would be happy too if I was in that situation, he just found out that his daughter is coming back from the dead and getting another chance at life.

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