Charlies Psychotic episode

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1938 words
Content warning: psychotic episode, crying, references to self harm, arguments, slight hands on fighting, mentions of child neglecting

Jaiden POV

"Charlie! Please!" I begged him from downstairs, but he didn't seem to hear me.
"Kids stay back." Roier pushed Bobby behind him as he headed upstairs to Charlie who had broken in through a window.
"Kids come here." I pulled them in close as we sat flat against the wall furthest from the stairs.
"What the fuck is happening man?" I heard Roier yell and shove Charlie making me flinch. Bobby and Tilin nuzzled into my sides as I held them close, wrapping my wings around them.
"Shhh it's okay...." I whispered as Tilin began to cry while I softly patted his Raven-black hair.
"hey man! I just wanted to say hi!" I heard Charlie yell, sounding deranged.

He was scaring me, I had been friends with Charlie since the wall fell, but this... this was not Charlie.

"So you don't want to kill Bobby and Tilin?" Roier accused him.
"What? No..."
"Are you sure? There are rumours, you know-" then I heard some loud clanking, thrashing and a thump, making me flinch and press my wings into the kids pulling them closer. I didn't hear any more yelling so I told Bobby and Tilin to hide under the table and I slowly headed upstairs making sure to be as quiet as possible. I peered into the room to see Charlie handcuffed to the balcony railing.
"Jaiden, he-ey!" Charlie chuckled to me. He looked worse than I could have ever imagined.
"What happened to you..." I asked as I looked at him. He was covered in sweat, his hair was rumpled, his glasses were cracked and bent, his eyes were red and puffy, and both of his arms were clumsily wrapped with bloodied bandages.
"Oh I'm fine." He chuckled as I ran to his side, instantly wrapping my arms around his neck wanting to help him.
"Oh." He froze, but I didn't let go. My eyes welled up with tears as I held him. Roier still stood behind me, carefully watching Charlie's every move.
"Charlie what happened?" I said, pulling away from the hug but leaving a hand on his shoulder.
"Uh, well..." he stumbled on his words. I noticed his hands shaking so I wrapped my hands around his free one. It seemed to make him feel a bit better. "Juana died... so I- I thought that if..." he looked away from me, turning his face to the ground as he began to cry, but tried to cover it up. "...If the other kids died, the federation would have to reset and I would- I would get h-her back." He bit his lip to stop it from quivering, and I could still feel his his hand shaking.
"It's okay..." I whispered on instinct, pushing down the gut wrenching thought of Juana Flippant dying, and what might have happened to Bobby and Tilin if Roier or I weren't there.
"Can you undo his handcuffs?" I looked to Roier who raised a brow.
"He just tried to kill Bobby!" Roier shouted at me, making my wings pull in around my body quickly. Roier noticed me flinching and stepped forward.
"Sorry..." I muttered, trying to hide the pain in my voice. Roier placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and walked past me to undo Charlie's handcuffs, obviously having changed his mind. Charlie looked at him, shocked that he un-cuffed him and then launched at me into a hug, taking me and Roier by surprise. He almost knocked me over. I don't know why he felt the need to hug me, we weren't that close, but I guess I was the only one he had at the time. I hugged him back, both of us still on the floor, comforting him as he cried into my shoulder.
"Jaiden... I'm so... sorry..." he said between choked sobs.
"It's okay... it's okay..." I repeated to him softly and slowly. I stayed with Charlie even when I heard Roier go downstairs to the kids. I pressed my small wings close to his body and he leaned into me more.
"Thank you Jaiden." He said wiping his face.
"Anytime Charlie... anytime." I gave him a reassuring smile and helped him up off the floor.

I later took Charlie to meet up with a group of people on the island, making him avoid contact with the kids. Charlie and Quackity talked to Cucurucho about a possible court trial to get Flippa back. I had only ever seen Cucurucho from a distance. He was tall, with a thin, scrawny-like structure. He wasn't quite human, he had paws and small bear ears, he also wore a white suit that blended with his pale, short fur. He barely talked too, with a robot voice he would only ever say a few basic lines, and referred to himself as the "qsmp census bureau"
Hmm. I thought to myself as I studied him.
"I hope you enjoy the island." He said in his usual monotone voice before disappearing into the trees.
"Creepy." Fit said and the group agreed, but there was something about him that called to me, I wasn't sure if it was good or bad, I just knew that there was something about him that was...

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