10 more minutes.

175 14 2

1909 words
Content warning: kid death, gore, death, possible schizophrenic references

Jaiden POV:
I looked up to see the massive brick structure just moments away. A shiver was sent down my spine as I gulped and took an unknowing step back, bumping into Pac.
"Sorry." I mumbled, keeping my eyes glued to the dungeon.
"Oh don't worry, you okay?" He asked.
"I'm... fine..." I said before walking over to Roier. "Is this it?"
"This is it." He said.

The gothic mansion looking structure was painted with a dark red colour as what looked like a sparkly laser was beaming from the roof to the sky. As everyone stopped to talk about what to do I stepped closer, like being pulled to the house, I could hear it's creaks and cracks that sounded like voices calling to me, Bobby.
"Jaiden?" I heard someone call and I flinched back from the doors to the house, quickly walking back to the group.
"Guys look!" Bad pointed to the dungeon and we all turned to see Cucurucho's spindly figure stood up on the roof holding a pen and paper.
"Good luck." Roier read out and everyone looked to each other.
"Time to go then?" Someone asked making their way to the entrance as everyone followed.

They slowly swung open the doors as they squeaked, loudly echoing through the seemingly empty house. Everyone let Roier lead the way in and up a short flight of stairs into a mossy and destroyed section of the building. We were immediately bombarded with ghosts and what we call 'pillagers' as we continued to make our way down to the dungeon.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I heard Roier scream as we all made our way through a maze of old bookshelves.
"Roier?" I called for him, "Roier!?"
"Agh!" He let out an agonised scream and I raced toward the sound of his voice. I found him cowering on the floor, blood gushing from his arm, but before I could get to him a pillager holding a gnarly axe shelved me into one of the shelves. I fell to the floor in tears as I watched Roier writhe and scream in pain. I kicked my legs into the Pillagers knees as hard as I could and swung my sword into his face before rushing to Roier. "It's okay, it's okay." I reassured him, tearing some of the fabric from his shirt that I'm wearing to wrap around his bloodied arm. I reached into my backpack and pulled out a bluish-purple coloured liquid in a small flask.
"Drink this." I held it to his lips and poured it into his mouth, almost instantly relieving his pain.
"Thank you Jaiden." He sighed watching all of the cuts on his arms, legs, and face wash away, leaving only the blood as proof of his injuries.
"Go! Go!" Someone called and we both stood up and ran.
"Where is everyo-" I fell through a hold in the floor, plummeting down two floors roughly. "Fuck!" I screamed in frustration and pain. I sat up as small white fairies began slicing at my face, leaving small, stinging cuts. I pulled my wings around me, but they quickly got hacked at too. Eventually, by swinging my sword around, most were gone and I left the room to find Cellbit.
"Shit, you okay?" I said as he sat with his back against the wall.
"Uh-" he choked out, blood spilling from his mouth. I took out the vile of magic liquid again and gestured for him to open his mouth.
"Has anyone else drunk from this?" He asked slowly.
"Um, just Roier." I said panicked. He shrugged and smiled before opening his mouth for me to give him the serum. He was up again in no time and we decided that we would stick together in the dungeon.

We managed to climb up the side of the building and met everyone again as we made our way to the roof. I followed as everyone, one by one, made their way into the attic to where there was a beacon causing the laser. We each stepped on this golden tile placed in the centre of the room, automatically transporting us to a room I had never seen before,

The rooms walls, floors, and ceiling was covered in the stereotypical foundation quarts and moss. The room was circular, with beautiful blue flowers against the walls. In every direction I looked I could see seemingly random decorations or additions to the room. Some strange animals, canvases, bikes, and more.
"It's everything Bobby likes!" I realised calling to the room to be met with a resounding "ohh." Cucurucho stood to one of the walls infront of a large QSMP logo printed on the wall.
"Good morning." His voice box chimed, still sounding slightly impaired.
"Buenos Dias. Where is Bobby." Roier said accusatorially as Cucurucho quickly scribbled down onto one of his pieces of paper.
"Everything has a price." Roier read. "What does that mean? Damn you." Roier began to get angry, making me flinch slightly.
"Jaiden, what do you want to say to Bobby?" I read the page Cucurucho had given me. "That-that I miss him, and I want him to come back. Please." I felt tears beginning to flood my eyes, but I held them back. He passed another note to Roier, but Roier hesitated to read it out loud.
"What does it say?" I asked him seeing the pain in his face.
"Ten more minutes, it's the best I can do for you." He said so quietly I barely heard him. I choked out a quiet sob, trying not to cry or hyperventilate, but I just felt ill.
"If ten minutes is what we get then I'll take it." I eventually said after what felt like hours of silence.
"Sorry guys."
Sorry guys."
Sorry guys" each person said, all stepping back onto the identical golden plate in the middle of the room leaving just me, Roier, and Cucurucho. The bear in the white suit walked over to a blank wall, standing beside it as it mechanically drifted down, revealing a small hidden room with my sweet little Bobby. Bobby had splotches of blood on his overalls and wore a glistening gold halo, but other than that he looked like my normal little boy.
"Bobby! Are you okay?" I ran to him and slowly he nodded.
"Oh Bobby." Roier whispered.
"Are we going on an adventure today?" Bobby asked, his face lighting up a bit as he looked between Roier and I.
"We can't." Roier responded. I noticed the burning hot tears running down my face consistently and pathetically.
"Why not?" Bobby questioned.
"Son, Bobby, you died, you're gone." Roier kneeled on one knee and took Bobby's hands in his own. Bobby's face drained of all its hope, but he already knew he was dead and gone, he knew that already.
"I'm not ready." He said u see his breath, his lip quivering and eyes watering.
"Baby I know..." I crouched next to him and brushed the tear from his cheek with my hand. "But I know you are strong. You will be okay, and one day I will see you again." He gave me a weak smile. Cucurucho passed me another note.
"You could do a painting." I read and Bobby nodded to the idea.
"What should we paint?" Roier asked.
"Paint something to not forget me." Bobby responded, making my heart crack in my chest.

We each sat at a canvas and shared some paints Cucurucho gave us. We painted in silence, just peaceful, comfortable silence. I painted Bobby, Roier, and I sitting on a hill, watching the sunset, the whole scene had such symbolism to me that I thought it was perfect. It was the best day we had together. We each showed each other our paintings, Roier painted an adorable image of Bobby, he was laying in the grass, his messy brown hair fallen gacefully over his face and sharp-toothed smile perfect. The painting alone had me beginning to sob again so Roier came to my side and placed his hand on my back, rubbing soothing circles bellow my still sore wings. Bobby showed his painting, it was of himself with his new halo and white, angelic looking wings instead of his normal small purple ones. I just smiled at him and he smiled back, proud of his work, but sad about the situation.
"Will you remember me when you see the sunset?" Bobby asked Roier.
"Yes I will always remember you in the sunset Bobby, always." Roier promised him. I was slightly confused at this, but still smiled, I knew it would be explained eventually.
"And you will always keep me in your heart?" Bobby turned to me.
"Of course," I chuckled a bit, "I don't know how I could ever forget you Bobby."
"What will you guys do when I'm gone?" He asked.
"Well..." Roier looked to me, but the question kind of stunted me. I had no idea.
"Probably cry." Roier said and Bobby just shook his head. Cucurucho gave me another piece of writing.
"You have three more minutes." I read out. "Bobby we don't have much time left, but I wanted to let you know that you were the best thing that happened to me on this island." He hugged me tightly and I just patted his head. "I don't know what I'm going to do, but you don't have to worry about us."
"But I don't know what to do without you guys..." he cried and Roier stepped forward into the hug.
"It'll be okay." Roier said. He stayed in that hug for as long as we could, savouring each second. I looked up to Cucurucho as he nodded his head, symbolising our time was up.
"Okay..." I whispered pulling away from the hug and wiping my face. Cucurucho ushered Bobby black into the small room he emerged from. I clung onto Roiers arm as Bobby smiled at both of us from the other room, I wanted to run to him, stop him, insist that I'd kill myself without Bobby but instead I was just frozen.
"I love you." He whispered to us before the mechanical wall began to move back up, blocking us off from him. I let out a loud sob as Roier pulled my face into his shoulder and wrapped his arms around my, now mostly dry, body.
"Let's go." Roier said after a few moments, taking me park to the gold plate. We didn't even bat an eye at Cucurucho.

We made our way back out of the decrepit old building and found the whole group sitting around on the ground taking, when they saw us everyone went silent. I buried my face deeper into Roiers shoulder and he just gave everyone a dull nod, showing that Bobby is gone. Eventually we all used our warp stones - purple glittery stones that allow us to travel to set locations - to get back home.

After we got back I spent some time with Roier going back to Bobby's favourite places, laughing, telling stories and relaxing the mood a little before parting ways.

"What do I fucking do... at least I won't have to ever go through something with the federation again right? They have nothing to do with me now that Bobby's gone." I thought to myself not realising just how wrong I was.

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