I Wish This Could Last Forever

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1546 words
Content Warning: Schizophrenia, hallucinations, crying, panic attack, mentions of death

Jaiden POV:
"Isn't it beautiful Bobby?" I smiled, brushing my hands through the soft, vibrant roses. Bobby nodded in reply and I turned to see Roier, subtly dancing and twirling as he walked behind me. Everything was perfect, from the temperature to the sky.

It had been a long day spent with Bobby seeing other people and going on adventures, we had come across this gorgeous field of roses on our way home and I practically begged Roier to let us stay for a little while.
"Thank you Roier, for letting us stay for a bit." I told him, knowing that he was probably enjoying it more than me.
"Of course! We have plenty of time." He said, catching up to walk by my side on my left, Bobby on my right.
"Tag, you're it!" I called - loud enough for Bobby to hear - as I tapped Roier on the shoulder making a run for it.
"Ah no!" Roier said running after Bobby and I. As I sprinted past the flowers I felt the wind rushing through my hair and it felt as if I was flying. I came to a stop and spread out my arms and wings as a big gust of wind swept over the hills, almost toppling me over. Once the wind became calm again I turned to see Roier had fallen over and Bobby was just sat laughing with him.
"Here." I giggled at Roier as I put out a hand to help him up. He took it and once he stood up he didn't let go for a moment.
"Tag." He smirked at me and darted away with Bobby laughing. I ran after him, hot on his heels and leaped onto his back, forcing him to topple over again.
"Aha!" I smiled as I pinned him to the ground. Bobby stood and smiled, mocking Roier for being beaten by me.
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow at Bobby as he swiftly stood up and knocked me off my feet, catching me and picking me up like a feather. We all just laughed, me still being in Roiers arms. "You may be faster than me, but I'm stronger." He put me down gently and began flexing his biceps. I exaggeratedly rolled me eyes at him, waking over to take Bobby's hand.

We found a grassy spot to sit as we watched the sky bleed from pinks and oranges to a more dull purple.
"Let's take a photo!" Roier exclaimed reaching into my backpack for our camera. "Say Bobby!" He cheered as we smiled for the selfie. I soon decided to lie down on the grass, watching stars slowly blur into sight as Roier laid next to me, Bobby soon sitting himself in the middle.
"Bobby, you're going to grow into a fantastic and amazing dragon when you grow up." I said, still looking to the sky. He leaped onto me, embracing me into a hug. As I wrapped my arms around him tightly I looked to Roier who's smile seemed to have been wiped off his face. "Bobby why don't you go run around." I said a little concerned, sitting up so that I could talk to Roier. The little dragon set off running and jumped around through the roses.
"Roier?" I looked to him who was now sitting up next to me, rolling his sleeves up.
"Is everything okay?"
"Well Jaiden... It's just..." be stumbled on his words a bit, not knowing exactly what to say.
"What is it?"
"Well, I don't know if Bobby will really be living for that much longer." He looked down to the ground, Bobby, the trees in the distance, everything except me.
"Why do you say that? Why would you think that?" I said quickly, my breathing becoming shallow.
"You see how the other kids are dying. You know it's not safe for him and sooner or later somethings going to happen." He looked at me, noticing my red hot cheeks and shaking hands.
"Those were the kids with bad parents, Juana Flippa, Tilin, Trump, all bad parents." My eyes were now welling up with tears. I wasn't sure why I was crying, maybe because deep down I knew what Roier was saying was true.
"Hey... come here." He softly spoke as he pulled me into a soft hug, stroking the feathers on my wings lightly.
"I just wish this moments could last forever, but I know you're right." I sighed into his chest. "I don't want him to go, I'm nothing without him." I confessed. It was true, the only thing in my life was Bobby, without him I had no purpose, no friends, nothing.

I started to feel gentle drops of rain on my head before it began to pour. I felt like I was being hammered into the ground by the heavy rain, but Roier still held me close. I squeezed my eyes shut, savouring that moment before reopening them to... nothing. Roier was gone and I fell forward through where he was before. Floating again I turned around, met with the same familiar darkness and same familiar panic.
"No! Not again!" I screamed as I began to hyperventilate, wanting to scrunch myself into a ball and be swallowed by the earth.
"Good Morning." The robotic voice I knew as Cucurucho called as I looked up to his pale white figure.
"Please Cucurucho! Please!" I begged him to let me out of this chokehold he had on my mind.

Losing air. Losing air. I thought as the taste of water filled my mouth. I felt my throat close as my vision blackened at the edges. "Please." I said as he just looked at me, unmoving. He looked as if he was sorry, like he wish he could help, but he couldn't, and I didn't know why.

I gasped at the sudden breath of air entering my lungs as Roier held me im his arms in front of him. I noticed that the rain had stopped, leaving us with the beautiful view of the night sky and moon. Coughing, I turned myself over as I gagged on the water I was choking out of my throat and lungs.

Real? I thought to myself. No it can't be real, but then why am I coughing up water? I had no idea.

"Warning." I breathed after clearing all of the water from my throat.
"What?" Roier looked to me, his eyes pained with concern and confusion.
"It's a warning. A threat. I don't know what about, but they're threatening me or us or someone, I don't know." I told him.
"It's okay, it's okay." He hushed me and pulled me and Bobby - who was now back at the scene Roier and I had caused - back into a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder, still nauseous and dizzy.

"We'll go home now." Roier said standing up and helping me up. Roier lifted Bobby onto his back and wrapped his arms around mine, helping me as I unsteadily walked back home with them. When we arrived home Roier put Bobby in his room to spend time with his pets, read, paint, do whatever while he made sure that I was okay.
"You might want to go and get changed..." he said, looking through the kitchen cabinets for some pain killers for my throbbing headache.
"Oh uh, I don't have any of my clothes here." I said, suddenly feeling really timid and shameful for the whole situation.
"I'll go grab you something." He said as he made his way downstairs before I could tell him I was fine in what I was wearing. He soon came back up with some PJ pants and a shirt that looks far too big for me. "Thank you." I smiled at him and he smiled back. The drenched clothes I was in weren't bothering me too much, but I knew that Roier wanted to help and wanted me to feel comfortable so I went to the bathroom to change. Both the pants and shirt were way too big for me, but luckily the pants had a drawstring that I tied to hold them up.

Once I came out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth and hair I saw Roier sitting on the couch that was my bed with the TV on. He didn't notice me until I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Oh I can go if you want to go to sleep." He said looking down at me.
"No, I wanna stay up." I said, my eyes glued to the TV, as he patted me on the head.
"Alright." He said and I could hear the contentment in his voice. I took a cushion from the couch, placing it on his lap and then by head on it as I laid across the couch. He placed his hand on my shoulder as I shut my eyes.

I imagined Bobby playing in the flowers again, hopping and leaping around, having the time of his life. He was so happy, I wished I could relive that moment from earlier that day, before her episode and the rain, just the peaceful euphoria.

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