In the red

201 15 4

1212 words
Content warning: reference to a kids death, crying, reference to hallucinations
Remember: (not a ship + they are fictional characters)

Jaiden POV:
It had been a week since I found out about Bobby. I hadn't been leaving Roiers house, where I still lived, much. I didn't know what to do. I also hadn't had another water-hallucination since, but I had seen Cucurucho maybe twice around the island, when I did decide to leave the house. He would sometimes go on walks with me and we would just walk in silence. It was nice. I wasn't sure why, I had never really had much to do with Cucurucho other than the hallucinations, but since I didn't have much else to do, his company was nice.

I had also started building my own house, I felt bad for continuing to crash at Roier's. I made sure it was far from everyone else. I wanted my own place just for me, me. Once I was done I decided I would show Roier, I thought he would like to see it.

I found Roier at his house and we walked back to mine. It was a long walk, by the time we were halfway there my calves were burning, but we pushed through. Finally we found ourselves in a familiar rose field that spread on for miles. The scent filled my nose and I sighed. I took his arm and led him through the sea of reds toward where I knew my house sat.
"Jaiden..." he stopped and I turned to face him. His face was pale and his eyes darted across the landscape.
"Yes?" I said slightly concerned.
"Is... is this..." he stuttered, but I understood what he was trying to say.
"Yeah, this is where we came with Bobby a while ago. He loved it here." I explained, I was surprised he didn't notice sooner, we took almost the exact same route we had when we went on that adventurous task. It was Bobby's favourite place he said. "Do you remember?" He looked back to me, nodded and gave a saddened smile. I just took his hand again and continued past the flowers. After a few minutes of walking we arrived at the foot of a large hill I had roughly carved a path into. We slowly made our way up the winding steps to my house, roses still filling every empty space of dirt.
"Wow Jaiden!" He said in excitement at the view of my cottage-y, spruce house.
"Just have a look inside..." I smiled and opened the heavy doors to let him into the kitchen and dining area and showed him some of the other rooms. I let him look around for a few moments before ushering him into the upper part of the house.
"Isn't it beautiful?" I asked, gesturing around the room. The walls were covered from top to bottom in Bobby, Roier's, and my paintings and memories, I had the same rug Bobby had in his old room, and some other little items of his scattered around.

I could feel my eyes watering as I showed him, I felt such mixed emotions. One half of me was nervously excited for Roiers reaction and was happy that he was seeing it, the other half was the pure grief of Bobby. I looked back to Roier to see him frozen, staring at the walls.
"Roier?" I asked, stepping closer to him with no answer. He brought his arms gently around my back and pulled me in close, burying his face into my neck and shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on top of his head in his soft, fluffy hair. I could feel his breathing as he held me, brushing his hands back and forth over my wings. We stayed like that for a while, and I began to twirl his hair in my fingers, soothing him a little. Eventually he slowly pulled from the tight knit hug. I took his hands and waited a bit before saying,
"I have one more thing I need to show you." To which he nodded and we walked back downstairs and out of the house. We continued up the hill on the path toward the big treehouse at the top.
"Oh quickly, it's almost sunset!" I said, breaking into a bit of a run and pulling him along. We quickly climbed the ladder up to the wooden planks then some extra steps to a small platform that was surrounded in flowers and bushes. We sat down on the three seats looking out over the rose fields, Roier on the right and me on the left, leaving Bobby's seat in the middle. We got there just in time to watch the vast, cloudy sky bleed from blue, to orange, to pink, and then to a dim purple.
"Jaiden, this is amazing." Roier whispered, still looking into the sky.
"I wanted to do this, for us, for Bobby." I shuffled over toward him and rested my head on his shoulder to which he wrapped one arm around me and pulled me to lay on him. I felt like I could burst into flames or melt, but instead i just focused on his breathing. I could feel his chest rise and fall slowly, calming me.

I didn't remember falling asleep, but I woke up at around midnight laying in my bed. I got up, hoping that Roier was still here, and looked around. When I noticed he wasn't laying on the couch I felt my heart sink in my chest a little, but since I was up I went to get some water. As I made my way into the kitchen I noticed a dark figure sitting in one of the chairs at the dining table, Roier. He was holding his head in his hand and crying. I had never seen him cry so much, or really at all before Bobby's death.
"Roier?" I whispered and he flinched at my voice, instantly lifting his head and wiping his face.
"S-sorry, yeah?" He turned in his chair to face me and I saw just how red his eyes were, even in the dim lighting.
"You need to sleep." I stayed leaning against the doorway.
"I'm okay, I wasn't sure if you wanted me to stay after you fell asleep, so..." he rambled.
"I did." I cut him off. "I did want you to stay, but you should also know that you are always welcome."
"Thanks." He muttered.
"Please sleep?"
"I don't think I can."
"Just come on, you can sleep in my room." He nodded and followed me out back to my room.

"Here, I'm a bit of a blanket hog so you can have your own." I passed him a spare blanket and pillow and climbed onto my side of the bed. We both got comfortable laying on our sides facing away from each other when I turned out the lights.
"Thank you for making this and showing me and letting me stay, Jaiden." I heard Roier say from behind me, so quiet it was barely a whisper.
"Thank you for seeing it and being here with me, Roier." I sighed and soon drifted back off to sleep.

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