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497 words
Content warning: reference to child death

Jaiden POV:
"No! No!" Baghera screamed as she turned and ran out of her house, leaving me and Cucurucho slowly trailing behind. I couldn't keep up with her so I let her go, but I was still really confused. I took a second to breathe and focus before I ran out to go to where everyone else was on the map. As I sprinted I passed Tallulah and told her to go back inside Phil's house, we didn't want another kid dying.
"Fuck." I muttered under my breath as I ran, already puffed. I found Baghera talking to Dapper, kneeling on the ground, her cheeks wet with tears.
"W- what happened?" I asked, putting a hand on Baghera's shoulder.
"I don't know." She whispered, brushing my hand off.

Her and I never saw much of each other, but when we did we always had gotten along really well. She was so nice and calm, we were friends, but it felt like that could change.

"Baghera I-" I started, but before I could say anything she walked away to find the others. I turned to find Cucurucho standing behind me, a fair distance away.
"What happened!?" I said frustrated, and at my loud voice he flinched and stepped back.
"He never flinches, people yell and scream at him all the time and he never flinches. Why did he now? What's going on." I thought.
"Was this you?" I raised my voice as dapper ran to my side, his crossbow raised at Cucurucho. He began frantically writing in his book and handed it to me.
"You have a mission, there's no going back :)" I read out loud and my face went pale. I took a few seconds before saying,
"My mission was to keep them safe, this isn't keeping them safe."
Dapper tugged on my shirt and I turned to him,
"What did it mean mission?" He asked.
"I- I don't know." I lied.

Forever emerged from the building we stood outside from and I desperately asked,
"What happened? Do we know anything? What i-"
"The code attacked."
"Is anyone hurt? Is Pomme okay?" He noticed my distress then looked to Cucurucho behind me. Raising an eyebrow he said,
"I don't know, he might though." He nodded in Cucurucho's direction.
"He doesn't." I responded blankly.
"Mm." I could tell he was suspicious, I didn't blame him.
"I'm sure Cucurucho has something to do with it, he has to know something." I thought.

Later, no matter how many times I asked, Cucurucho never said anything else about Pomme.
Damn. I thought, but I eventually let the situation go and Baghera came to terms with the fact I didn't do anything wrong.

Pomme was okay too, I think. But I eventually finished the tasks.
When I told Cucurucho I had everything he seemed to be acting slightly strangely, but gave me yet another task, or mission is how I would better describe it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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