Chapter 4-The Halloween Party

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 TW: Drunk Teenagers LMAO

 It was Sunday October 31st. The day of the Halloween party. Everyone was talking about it on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and more. They were stoked to get the party started. However, me and the Squip still hadn't found a costume. It was only a few more hours until the party would start. I wasn't nervous, though.

"You are clearly nervous, SMG4. Stop trying to hide it. And plus, I thought we had already found you a costume!" They said while digging through the closet.

"Okay maybe I am a little nervous. I'm not that popular!"

"Trust me, are popular enough to get invited to a party. Be a big boy and suck it up, will ya?" The squip found a cyclops costume.

"You really want me to wear that?"

The Squip sighed. "Look, do you want to impress the girls at the party or not?!" They sounded kind of pissed off already.

"Okay okay I'll wear it. Just give me an hour and I'll be ready."

"Thirty minutes. The party will start soon."

"Holy shit! I'll get ready!" I quickly got the costume on, did my makeup and everything. Nothing unmanly about makeup. No sir.

-9:30 PM: The Halloween Party-

Everyone I knew was there. Meggy, Saiko, Tari, Bob, Kaizo, and many of the other kids I didn't care to listen or pay any attention to. I walked into the door anxiously as the squip followed behind me.

   "Ayy, SMG4! Welcome to the party!" Kaizo patted my back, which made me feel a little less uneasy and a little more welcomed. Everyone there seemed friendly. I then turn back to the squip who is wearing some sort of fancy outfit. I give them a look.

"What? Can't I look fancy for a party?"

"Nobody can see you so I don't see why you need to dress up."

"Let me have my fun and I'll let you have fun. Oh and also if you plan on getting wasted tonight, you'll need to deactivate me, otherwise I'll start telling you to do horrible things...and we wouldn't want that now, would we, SMG4?" The squip leaned forward in front of me creepily, then they walked away and observed everything. I don't plan on getting wasted tonight. Meggy and Saiko were pretty much already drunk. Didn't the party just start? Jeez, these girls are not for me...I crossed my arms and stayed in a corner for a few minutes. I was used to my dad being drunk but not a bunch of teenagers getting drunk and getting their life wasted away. The squip started to walk towards me.

"Aren't you going to have some fun? You came to this party after all."

"Maybe...I'm just a little uncomfortable right now..." I leaned on the wall with one foot up.

"Wow. You are really boring tonight...well...suit yourself. But remember, this is the only night I'll let you have fun." The squip then disappeared into the crowd. I guess I should have some fun. It is Halloween, after all. I walked over to Kaizo who surprisingly wasn't drunk. He handed me a shot of beer. I shrugged and tried it. It was bitter but it tasted pretty good in my opinion.

"You should deactivate me, SMG4. I can see this alcohol is really gonna screw up your brain in the next few hours."

"Deactivate, then." The squip then disappeared. 

"SMG4! Come take some more shots with us!" Kaizo yelled out.

"I'm okay. The Beer from a few minutes ago is really screwing up my stomach. I'll rest for a bit." I really hope I don't end up vomiting on the counter. That won't be good if Kaizo's parents come home and see the mess we all left. I was still a little anxious. Everyone was a little too close and a little too loud for my liking, but I think I'll adjust after a few hours. I'll just probably go home since I'm too much of a wimp to be at parties on my own...well, I have the squip with me but they're deactivated.

"Shut up, will ya? I'm trying to have some fun here in the crowd." The squip said. 

"Aren't you deactivated?"

"Yes, but I can still hear you. Shut it." The squip was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged it off and put my arms on the counter.

"Kaizo, do you have any other drinks besides alcohol?" Kaizo nodded and pointed to the fridge where there was soda and water. Thank god, otherwise I would probably just thirst to death. I reached into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I chugged the whole thing. Now I won't need anything to drink for the next few hours, but I will for sure need a bathroom break. I sighed and watched as everyone was throwing alcohol at each-other. I really thought the popular people would be more mature but no! They're a bunch of babies, especially when they're drunk. At least I didn't drink too much. I only had a shot of beer. If I fall asleep at this party, I bet people will pour alcohol down my throat, and I would probably choke and die. I don't really want that. Ugh.  Something really feels off, though. I'm missing something or someone. It's fine. I'm at a Halloween Party. I should be having fun like everyone else. I can't be the odd one out and stand in the corner like some sort of loner. I should also try and find myself a girl here, too...or a boy. Oh my god. I'm still a raging bisexual. At-least I'm still the squip said. I don't need to be cool. I need to be more chill.

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