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     AFTER ZUKO HAD GAINED HIS UNCLE'S FORGIVENESS, Team Avatar continued with their plans to find Aang. Thanks to the Order of the White Lotus, they were able to stay in the camp until dawn and were provided with food and supplies for the fight they would be facing very soon. Sokka was still shocked that Yan had known the White Lotus prior to the full group meeting them and might even have been a bit jealous knowing that she too was trained briefly by his sword master.

When they were given lunch to eat, the group gathered in a circle around Iroh. "Uncle, you're the only other person other than the Avatar who can possibly defeat the Fire Lord. We need you to come with us. You can beat him and we'll be there to help." Zuko said as he faced his uncle who sat at the head of the group, looking down at his bowl of noodles.

"No, Zuko, it won't turn out well. Even if I did defeat Ozai ― and I don't know that I could ― it will be the wrong way to end the war. History will see it as just more senseless violence, a brother killing another brother to grab power. The only way for this war to end peacefully is for the Avatar to defeat the Fire Lord." Iroh explained to the group of teenagers.

"And then... then would you come and take your rightful place on the throne?" Zuko further asked, his brow furrowing in sadness when his uncle told him he wouldn't fight Ozai himself.

"No. Someone new must take the throne, an idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko. You may have made many mistakes, and you may have struggled and suffered, but you have always followed your own path. You restored your own honor and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation." Iroh concluded as he glanced at Zuko. Zuko's golden eyes widened and he looked away. It took him a moment to accept his fate and nod in acceptance.

"Well, what if Aang doesn't come back?" Toph asked, the group turning to her now with concern. She was right. What if Aang doesn't come back by the time the comet arrives? What then?

"Sozin's Comet is arriving and our destinies are upon us. Aang will face the Fire Lord. When I was a boy, I had a vision that I would one day take Ba Sing Se. Only now do I see that my destiny is to take it back from the Fire Nation so the Earth Kingdom can be free again." Iroh reassured the group, his gaze lingering a bit longer on Yan as she too had the same dream as Iroh, only many years apart.

"So that's why you gathered the members of the White Lotus!" Yan smiled as she came to the conclusion as to why the White Lotus camp was so close to the Earth Kingdom city.

"Yes. Zuko, you must return to the Fire Nation so that when the Fire Lord falls, you can assume the throne and restore peace and order. But Azula will be there waiting for you. You can't handle Azula alone, you'll need help." Iroh explained to Zuko who nodded.

Zuko briefly looked around the group, his gaze stopping on Yan. Although he wanted her help in fighting Azula, a part of him wanted her safe and out of the blue fire that erupted out of his raging sister. So, he looked at Katara instead. "Katara, how would you like to help me put Azula in her place?" he asked her.

Katara smirked and nodded, itching to fight Azula again. "It would be my pleasure."

"What about us? What's our destiny today?" Sokka asked Iroh, dressed in his Water Tribe uniform as he sat between Suki and Toph.

"What do you think it is?" Iroh asked with a knowing smile as he ate his noodles. Sokka hummed for a moment, quiet as he thought of a few ideas about how he and the remaining group could help out.

"I think that... even though we don't know where Aang is, we need to do everything we can to stop the airship fleet." he decided, smiling confidently.

"And that means when Aang does face the Fire Lord, we'll be right there if he needs us." Toph chimed in, Iroh nodding and smiling in approval.

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 | prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now