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Note: The picture above is my own artwork, as how i portrayed esme as a goddess.

Before the trials commenced, Esme was imprisoned in the goddess realm's lowest level. Esme doesn't feel anything, regardless of his circumstances; he doesn't feel powerless, he doesn't feel the need to abandon his affection for everyone, and he doesn't feel hatred for the gods.

While humming and giving off a cloud of pink dust, the jail smells like roses. Guardian angels began to appear at his bars and began humming with him.

They started chatting and asked why he needed to be banished to the god's realm. Esme only grins and tells them he did an inappropriate sin.

"I've fallen in love," Esme said as she came and began making a sweater with a rose motif.

"Whom have you fallen in love with, Goddess Esme?"The guardian angels inquired.

"To a fallen angel," Esme said softly as she began kneading another pair of scarves, this time with a sunflower design.

"Isn't it your role as a goddess to love anyone and everything, goddess Esme?" A white-haired youngster stated next to another jail bar. Who has a sky-like view-color in his eye?

"What lovely eyes, Your name?"

"Saturo," said the youngster.

"Why is he here?" Esme inquired, concerned

"He will stand trial tomorrow; he is the chosen one. However, the supreme gods will determine whether he will live in the human race or in the gods' world."


"R-ryomen..Sukuna.." Yuji said softly. He sounded as though he meant everything he said. Yuji stated it with an unintentional smile.

"Sukuna-sama..?" Uraume whispered enough for the two persons in the room to gaze in the opposite direction.

Yuji noticed his companion on Uraume's side, hiding from the person in front of them.

"Uraume, I'm glad you're back," stated the peach-haired man with a large body structure.

"I apologize for leaving so abruptly without informing you, sukuna-sama."

"It's alright, Uraume."

Itadori's friends approached him and apologized for invading the shrine. Sukuna, the man, motioned for them to stop and invited them to tea with him. Yuji, on the other hand, laughed at them, causing sukuna, who was looking at his companion, to turn toward Yuji.

"Oh, I'm sorry for giggling, Ryomen-san," Yuji apologized.

The peach hair guy and Uraume glanced at Yuji in astonishment, and the man named Sukuna chuckled quietly, causing Yuji to blush, embarrassed for what he had done previously.

"Yujii..!" In hushed tones, Sasaki addressed Yuji.

Yuji turns to face them and invites them to come closer to him to sip some tea.

"You're so adorable, Yuji," the man remarked as he glanced at Yuji, resting his head on his knuckles.

"Sukuna-sama.!" Uraume addressed his lord. Distracting his master in order to get it to look at them since Sukuna was being too blatant. However, the man didn't even look at his servant and instead fastened his attention on itadori Yuji.
Itadori flushes and attempts to move away from Sukuna.

"T-thanks, for the compliments."

Yuji's heartbeat quickens; he has no idea what is driving him to respond in this manner by simply staring at the man in front of him. He is not ashamed because the man is looking at him. Instead, he wants the man to pay more attention to him and focus solely on him.

FORBIDDEN LOVE (SukuIta) Where stories live. Discover now