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Note: Helloo! it took me a lot of time, it has been a week since i updated! i have been busy with my school work in uni, there's a lot of things to study, actually i can update as many chapters as i can but i always proofread it every time I update. That's all! thank you so much for reading this, and tell me in the comments what u think in this chapter!!


"Ryomen Sukuna," the young guy nervously responded.

The young guy fixed his gaze on the man who had been sitting idly in the room the entire time, just listening to them. The man consumed his tea, which had been served by his loyal servant, Uraume.

"Yuji-sama, what seems to be the problem? W-what were you saying you had a dream about the goddess of love?" Uraume stammers, attempting to approach Yuji. Their hands were trembling, and their eyes were straining to focus as they sought to look at their master, who was looking at them. Communicating through eyes.

"Tell me, Mr. Ryomen, please. You are the most knowledgeable one here, I can tell. I feel it." The young man did not turn his gaze far away from the man.

The man named Ryomen sighed and settled down with his cup of tea, slowly standing up and sauntering toward the shoji as Uraume tried to stand up but was halted by their master not to bother to assist them anymore.

Yuji is still waiting for the response while Megumi calls Yuji to ask them if they are alright or if it is the right time to be talking at this hour since it is almost dusk and it is time to depart and go home. However, the person named Uraume offered them to remain here. They seem desperate, and Megumi Fushigurou found it strange the way they act towards Yuji and when Yuji mentions the goddess of love.

This uraume person seemed to be interested in what Yuji dreamed about and what occurred to Yuji after he was gone for hours. Megumi was concerned. He wonders if they really need to do this investigation as well. He had a feeling something bad was about to happen; they were heavy for some reason and didn't sit well with him. As a result, Yuji was still curious about his dream about consulting the person Uraume referred to as master.
'There's something strange here,' Megumi thought as he saw the man encourage Itadori to accompany him, which Itadori accepted without hesitation.

Megumi had an uneasy feeling, wanting to know more since he was already here, and something ticking inside his head when his adoptive father, Gojo Satoru, who is also a teacher, talked about the history of the gods and goddesses and, coincidentally, the background of Uraume, Mr. Ryomen, who unfortunately (?) has the same ring to the name of the god of calamity. It does not appear to be a coincidence, and why, of all persons, is his closest friend Itadori Yuji involved in this? He seemed to be drawn to this temple for some unknown reason.

Megumi sought reasons for himself by asking Uraume, "Where is the bathroom?" and the one who offered they accompany the young man. Megumi, on the other hand, refuses, and they don't need to; more accurately, he can't walk freely until he follows his friend Itadori; he is intrigued and wants to eavesdrop on what they could be discussing.

As he walked out, he feigned to go to the side where the restroom was and tried to look in the direction of Itadori and the man.

'It seems like they're going in the garden,' Megumi thought as he explained his initial plan.


The man halted, causing Yuji to bump his forehead on those enormous chests, which made his eyes widen for a second at how the man's breast just went ‘boing’ for a brief instant. Made Yuji embarrassed for staring at the man's chest for minutes.

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