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Note: Today chapter is inspired by this music, and some lines are there too. thank u so much for reading♥️

Days pass, and Itadori can't stop thinking about the man who resides in the shrine, and he believes it's because they upset the man when Sasaki-senpai joked about his name being related to some deity.

He wants to apologize in person, but then what? What comes next? Is his main goal in visiting the shrine to apologize?

"No, it's more than enough reason to return to the shrine!" Yuji exclaimed, convincing himself.

"What visit, Itadori?"" Yuji almost jumps in surprise when he hears a voice behind his back.

"Fushigurou, you scared the crap out of me!" Yuji cried, clutching his chest as though his life had just flashed before his eyes.

However, Megumi simply smiles at him, making itadori feel soft because Megumi's smile is always unusual to witness, and he is the only one of their friends who only sees Megumi smile most of the time.

Itadori mumbled, "What a looker," and Megumi simply lifted his brows at him.

"A what?" Megumi questioned, and Itadori simply shook his shoulders.

"noothingg, but fushigurou, what brought you here?" Itadori asks Megumi, staring him in the eyes.

"Didn't you guys go to that shrine to investigate last time in exchange for our place with Sasaki and Iguchi senpai?" How did you find it? Was it a success? We need to submit our report to the history department next month," Megumi remarked, and Itadori groaned, saying that they didn't get to probe any farther, but they learnt something throughout the investigation.

"What exactly was it?" Megumi inquires

"It is the shrine of the Goddess of love, not the God of calamity, ryomen sukuna," Yuji explained, "and we also discovered that the caretaker of the shrine has the same name as the said, God." Megumi placed his palm on his chin and began to contemplate.

"Caretaker? "I've never heard anything like that, we looked into a blog last time with Kugisaki and there is no caretaker of that shrine, the people even have video filming of the said shrine, which is suspicious if there is," Megumi remarked as he sat near Yuji.

"Is that so? That's odd. Ume-chan stated that they have been caring for the shrine with their master." Yuji pouted his lips while attempting to stare at the azure sky.

"Let's look into this case further, Itadori," Megumi said, lightly holding Yuji's face and turning it to face him, peering at him eye to eye.

"Yes, we will. I'll video call you later, I'll be up researching this case," Yuji said enthusiastically, leading Megumi to glance away and conceal his face under a turtleneck uniform.

"yujiii! megumiii-channn!"

Both teenagers stare at the voice they hear as they turn around to find their instructor waving at them, accompanied by another teacher.

The white-haired man approached them enthusiastically, his arm around the other black-haired person, who was calmly looking at them.

"Saturou, could you please lower your voice, you are a teacher, remember?" said the black-haired guy to the white-haired man.

"eeehh?? I'm just calling out my precious student before they go home," the white-haired man begins to pout his lips while making a charming face with his finger on his cheeks.

Itadori returned their greetings and cast a glance at Megumi, who had an irritated expression on his face.

"Gojo-sensei... " Megumi mumbled, shaking his head and looking in discomfort.

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