446 21 15

Note: it's me here, you there. hopefully you'll enjoy this long chapter!  i input some song to add the melody hehe

dahlias were given as symbols of devotion, love, beauty and dignity.


"Yuji-sama... just because."


Megumi called the individual, who directed their look toward Megumi, and Uraume glared at him as Megumi returned his gaze. communicating through eyes.

"It's alright if you don't desire to share," Megumi said, his gaze fixed on the individual.

Uraume nodded and excused themselves, asking them to follow their lead to one of the guest rooms. Yuji, on the other hand, refuses to join them. Uraume insists on coming inside for a cup of tea.

"It's fine, I'll just come along," Yuji told his friends.

"I just want to go sightseeing for research purposes, and I also want to see some of the paintings and sculptures I saw somewhere here," Yuji says as he and uraume bend their heads before leaving itadori with his companion. Megumi, on the other hand, didn't forget to mention coming along after he went sightseeing. In response to his friend's worries, the young guy nodded.

Yuji began to walk further after they departed. He entered a room and noticed an enormous fabric hiding something on the wall.

"I wonder why Megumi stopped me from asking about Sukuna's story, haah," Yuji whispered to himself. The young man went for the filthy, dust-covered cloth and tried to pull it away from the wall, only to discover a massive picture.

There is a gorgeous pink-haired man dressed in white apparel in the artwork, and he seems to be watching through the painting. Yuji felt like he was being watched. They have lovely golden eye orbs and a golden halo surrounding them. The beauty was ethereal and magnificent.

Yuji attempted to touch the artwork, but he felt nostalgic for some reason. He got a feeling he had seen this someplace before but couldn't remember it. He had a sense of déjà vu as if it were a distant memory, but he couldn't recall ever visiting this location. He is well aware that this is the first time.

Yuji traced the artist's name using his finger and the art's name.

"Dearest... dearest Esme By your beloved R.S., ?" Yuji muttered, raising his eyebrow at the name engraved on the artwork. The young man glanced about, attempting to remove the cloth that had obscured some of the artwork and masterpiece.

"Ines.. Amy.. Liev... Esme.. What the hell is this, with all the initials of the same artist and virtually identical looking at the goddess?" Yuji muttered, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw the artwork, and till he strumbled over the blood-splattered linen.

He was perplexed by what he saw when he slowly opened it.

It was the same beautiful man from the first artwork he had seen. However, it is covered in blood, and the picture depicts a terrible scene in which the lovely individual has been stabbed in the back by a massive spear as a four-armed monster embraces him. It was embracing with furious tears in his eyes.

"The hostility and madness were portrayed so amazingly in this masterpiece, you can really feel the way he looks so devastated.." Yuji said quietly as he stroked the image with his bare hand.

"The majority of the portraits here are drawn by the same person, initial R.S., and they draw the same person over and over. How heartbreaking, even the statues here were mostly handcrafted by the same artisan."

When the palm of his hand made touch with the canvas, though, he felt a burst of anguish in his chest and head, as if someone had slapped him hard enough to experience this inexplicable ache.

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