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The next day, Itadori goes to the coffee shops with his friends Fushigurou and Kugisaki, as well as the seniors Sasaki Senpai and Iguchi Senpai. They talked about the assignment they had been researching before the deadlines.

Kugisaki, on the other hand, is attempting to alter her schedule to accommodate the study they have been assigned. Though itadori indicated that she does not need to go because he and fushigurou would perform the research on their own, she may rest confident that she will not accompany them and will instead focus on her career.

Kugisaki made a frowned, pondering the best alternative as she wanted to go with them and also participate in the photography shoot. She began to reflect. Fushigurou, on the other hand, claims that she is not required to attend for genuine.

"You don't have to go, Kugisaki; if you're available, you can help us. Alternatively, you might inform any of your coworkers who are also college students, such as us, about the history. In this manner, you may conduct research without interfering with your schedule. "The more rumors and stories, the better," Megumi said, glancing at Nobara.

"Alright, fine, hopefully, I'm not missing out on any fun. Haah. What a pain," grumbled Kugisaki as she glanced at Itadori and fist-bumped him, explaining that she had to leave early for a shoot.

She quickly said her goodbyes and left the cafe. Sasaki began murmuring, 'Nobara is cool,' and Iguchi began nodding, while the other two men simply grinned contentedly.

They then discuss who will visit the other shrine and the prior one. Megumi began mentioning the one he and Itadori had discussed, and his peers nodded, listened, and decided to visit the other shrine. Sasaki Senpai says she doesn't want to go to the last temple they visited because she doesn't want to meet the stern man who lives there.

Itadori understood what she meant and mentioned that he would apologize in her place, and Sasaki praised her for doing so, although she had claimed that she wanted to apologize. However, she is terrified that if they meet again, she may aggravate the man even more. Itadori grinned, and you may be sure that such a thing like this will happen again.

Four orders came and began chit-chatting about the other issue and how they planned to deliver their study after it was completed within the following month. Since it was said, it would be performed on stage by the drama club.

In their investigation, Sasaki and Iguchi have begun thinking about what the plot will be and which of the scenarios will be more realistic.

As the talk progressed, they began to plan their departure date, with the exception of Yuji, who would see his grandfather over the weekend. He announced that they would begin the following week, and everyone agreed with him. They completed their dinner and drinks and began to say their goodbyes as the four folks parted ways.


On his way home, Yuji stopped at a convenience shop, where he noticed a white-haired man with a difficult countenance studying carefully at the food display. He sought to approach this individual and converse with them in some way.

"Um, hello?" Yuji greeted, and the guy turned their head. They are astonished and bend their heads in reverence to Yuji, but the young guy waves his hand away, stopping them from bowing any farther.

"Ah, no, Ume-chan, there you go again bowing your head to me, There is no need, ume-chan." You don't have to do that since we're on the same level." The young guy places his hand on the person's shoulder and attempts to straighten them up.

"However, Yuji-sama, we are not on the same level or status; I am just a mere cu-"


A familiar voice called the individual, and they halted in their place. Even Yuji was astonished to hear the familiar voice that he had been thinking about for so many days the last time they met. He enjoys hearing the voice of this man for unclear reasons. He seemed to have been looking for it.

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