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Note: Took me a long time to update hehehe, i was so focused on Entangled last time.


"In one condition."

"Uh? In what condition?"

Yuji heartbeat was racing for some reason.

The man smirks at his tense expression.

"Date me," the man said.

"Heh? That's all that is easy condition." Yuji said shrugging his shoulder.

"Yes, It is easy." the man replied.

"Wait- what?"


"What was it again?"

"Date me, easy right?"

Yuji suddenly stepped back at what he heard, he could not probably misheard it.

"D-date you-?" he repeated.

"Yes, it's easy, isn't it? You said so," the man stated smugly as he went closer to the young man's face. Closer. Closer, only a few inches away from Yuji's face. Invading Yuji's personal space.

"So, what is your response?" The man whispered in front of Yuji's face.

Yuji felt the breath on his face, and his gaze moved to the man's lips, which were so beautiful. The young man bit his lips, wanting his lips to collide with the man in front of him right now, and blushed for having such thoughts.

"But, I am a man. That means a-"

"Gay of me? What does it matter? So, date me. That is the condition." The man grins and backs away before the young man becomes more uncomfortable.

While uraume in the corner smiles as they watch the entire situation. The young man, on the other hand, was both heated and embarrassed by how the man chatted with him. He couldn't help but blush when he saw how the man acted and smirked at him.

"A-alright." yuji said unconsciously.

The man smiled and said goodbyes to itadori before they left the convenience store. Uraume bows at yuji before tagging along with their master.

And yuji was left alone dumbfounded.

he was dumbfounded even after he visited his grandpa over the weekends.


Yuji was on his way to the arranged meeting site with Megumi, still feeling a little out of place from the last encounter with Mr. Ryomen sukuna. He still can't believe he answered and agreed to the condition.

Yuji Itadori is in denial, at least about how he feels. He doesn't understand why he feels drawn to Mr. Ryomen, whom he met in the temple. Yes, when it comes to men as well, the guy is his type. He likes a man having a big ass and a muscular chest and a tall man, he definitely likes particular things that he likes toward women. However, it was just physical attraction. It is just physical attraction. There is nothing else.

"Yosh! That's all; it's not like I'm interested in men or anything!" exclaimed Yuji.

"Into What Itadori ?"


Yuji jumped in surprised to see his friend appear in front of him.

"Fushigurou! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Yuji muttered, holding his chest, and Fushiguro only chuckled in answer, making Yuji stare at his friend in disbelief.

"I guess I'm gay," Yuji said, staring at Megumi.

"What?" Megumi questioned of the young man who was gazing at him and quickly averted his gaze someplace.

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