Between rational and love...

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Everyone was already seated at the table waiting for them to arrive. After saying good morning to everybody, Baran led Dilan to the seat to his right. He sat at the head of the table as usual, his father to the left. Ms. Azade ordered the food to be served. The conversation was still about the wedding and how beautifully everything went. Ms. Azade suddenly said, "Now I can't wait for the great-grandchildren to come. This mansion needs the joy of children". Dilan who was drinking water at that moment, almost choke and her cheeks turned red in an instant. Baran was glancing at her with an amused smile on his face, he grabbed Dilan's hand and said "Grandma, we just got married, let us enjoy this first, and then I promise the grandchildren will come" Cihan intervened as well "but don't take too much time, I can't wait to spoil my nephews".

The conversation stayed on a light tone, as Baran took a look around the table, he couldn't remember the time everyone sat there with that much happiness on their faces. Well, almost everyone, the contempt expression on his uncle's face was undeniable. His cousin, on the other hand, looked out of place. Baran noticed that from time to time he would look at Gul, and there was this longing in his eyes that he recognized all too well, it was the same look he saw reflected while glancing at the mirror, whenever thoughts of Dilan leaving him would come to his mind. The first time he saw his cousin like this was at the engagement ceremony, he let it slide because Dilan asked him to. But this matter was getting out of hand, as now it involved Derya returning to their lives, which Baran could not come to terms with. He was determined to talk to Firat soon.

When everyone was standing up from the table, an unpleasant voice said "Good morning, Karabey family. Did you eat without me?" Everyone turned to look, it was Derya. Dilan immediately grabbed her husband's arm, she didn't want their day to be spoiled by someone like her. "What are you doing here?" Baran said in a calm still strong tone. "What are those words Baran, pretty soon we will be family" "You are not formally engaged yet, meaning you are not 'family' so the door is right there" Baran dismissed her with his hand. Firat did not attempt to move, the one that came to her rescue was his uncle Hassan "Nephew, she is to be my daughter-in-law. She has the right to come to this house whenever she wants".

As Baran was getting ready to reply, Mr. Kudret placed his hand on his shoulder. "Son, come, let's take a walk" Baran looked at Dilan, letting go of his arm she agreed with her head. Azade was followed by Derya to the living room who insisted on having some coffee, Dilan was glad she was not invited to follow them. Everyone else went to do their things, and Dilan was left with Ms. Kader and Gul. "Let me help you" offered Dilan. "You don't have to do this, you are the lady of the house now" Kader replied, "You know I enjoy helping and I got nothing more to do at the moment" "Ok" they went about cleaning the table when Ms. Kader said, "How are you doing child, after the wedding, I mean" Dilan's face went red again 'Argh, she needed to work on her poker face' the fact that everyone knew whenever she was nervous or embarrassed was a problem. "Fine Ms. Kader, everything is fine... we... we are happy" "Yes, that is undeniable. I've never seen Mr. Baran like this. I'm so happy for you both" Dilan immediately tried to change the subject and Ms. Kader, after taking a look at her face, let her.

Mr. Kudret was holding onto his son's arm, he was taking him to the road up the hill, in front of the house. "Son, I was in a wheelchair for the longest time, people around me sometimes would forget that I was even there, and they would talk freely in front of me. So I understand your apprehension against that girl and you are right to be worried, for Dilan, for the whole family, and the company. But you can't let anger rule you. You need to move with a cold head or you will give them an opportunity".

As they kept walking, Baran remained quiet, he was pondering on his father's words "I'm trying to control myself, but it is not easy. When it involves Dilan... I can't hold myself back, I can't be rational" "You have to son, or you would put her in danger" "You are right, I need to be more careful... Derya's intentions in the company are clear, she knew her time there was running out, by marrying Firat, the court case will be futile, as his wife, she would be entitled to his shares as well, and I can't take him out" "They are joining forces to go against you" "Yes, I'm aware, I already ordered Kerem to look for any weaknesses they could use. We will take the necessary measures... but I need to talk with Firat" "You would do well talking to him, I'm afraid of what growing up in my brother's shadow did to him..." "What do mean?" "This is not the right time to have this conversation son, but soon, trust me".

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