They could not get to the hospital fast enough. Going from the main road out of the old part of the city, all of Baran's fears were on the surface. It was not only the fact that he watched his mother get killed in front of him or his recurrent nightmare involving Dilan. But this was the second time Dilan had gotten shot. First, before they became a couple, and now. Both times, Baran could do nothing to prevent it. The harder he tried to protect her and make her happy, the more bad things she experienced. The ambulance's driver announced their arrival. Soon, they were headed for the emergency room. Baran was running beside the stretcher, holding Dilan's hand. "Please, stay alive. Please, don't leave. Please, Dilan." He repeated over and over again. Reaching the door, a nurse stopped him from going inside. "That is my wife?" He screamed. "You can't come in. She needs to be evaluated. You need to cooperate. This won't help your wife, Sr." At those words, Baran collapsed to the floor. That was when the nurse noticed the blood. She kneeled before him and grabbed his arm. "Don't touch me!" Baran snatched his arm from her grip. "Sr. You need to have your arm checked. You are bleeding." A fuzz behind him made the nurse look up. "Baran! Baran! Where is Dilan? What did they say?" He dried the tears he hadn't realized had fallen and turned to his friend. "They are examining her. Who did this, Kerem?" Firat, who was behind, answered. "Timur did." What? That spoiled brat. "Timur? Why would he?" His cousin scratched his neck. Because of the money and also..." Baran had no time to waste. "Also, what, Firat?" His cousin stood straight. "Hassan. He has been in talks with Hassan." Baran cursed. He had warmed Ms. Gözde. to keep his leash short. He looked at Kerem. "Why are you here? What happened with the trial?"
Kerem gave Baran a summary. But all he cared about was that he was convicted and was going to spend the rest of his life behind bars. "Today, he will be transferred to the jail where he will serve his sentence." With a bloody hand, Baran grabbed Kerem's shoulder. "You need to have someone keep an eye on him. He is as dangerous as ever. We can't lower our guard." His friend nodded. "Don't worry. I'm on it." The nurse came again to him. "Sr." He turned. "Dilan?" She indicated no with her head. "Your arm." This time, she didn't dare to touch him. "It is nothing." Kerem intervened. "Baran, you need to have that checked. Dilan needs you by her side. She would not be happy if she knew you refused to look after yourself." He didn't want to agree with his friend, but he was right. Dilan would be mad at him for neglecting his wound. Reluctantly, he agreed to go with the nurse. He searched around for any sign of Dilan. But the space was ample; there were many beds and smaller rooms. He could not find her. "Can you do that faster?" He asked the nurse. "We are waiting for the doctor". Once there, he proceeded to examine his arm. "You are lucky. It is just a scratch. You would need a few stitches and some dressing." Baran nodded. He wanted the whole thing to be done with. The man was fast. He gave Baran some instructions and his prescription. "Any news about my wife?" The nurse shook her head. "Let's get you back to the waiting area, and then I'll try to find out your wife's status." What other choice did he have? At the time he was approaching the exit door, a stretcher was rushed out. He managed to look. "Dilan!" He whispered her name and followed. "Dilan Karabey family members."
Baran watched them take Dilan away as her doctor called for them for an update. "The bleeding was momentarily controlled. She needs to undergo surgery. The bullet hit her just above the clavicle bone, and it seemed to have avoided any vital arteries. However, there is no exit wound, and it is fragmented inside. She has been taken for an MRI to ensure the extraction of every piece and to avoid the possibility of lead poisoning. As for the baby..." Baran thought he was now hearing things. He needed to focus. "The heartbeat seems strong. However, I must be honest. Ms. Dilan is about 12 weeks pregnant. Although administering anesthesia to pregnant women is preferable from their second trimester and up, we have no choice but to proceed to ensure her safety." The only words in Baran's head were baby and Dilan's safety. "Wait, I don't understand. What do you mean 12 weeks pregnant? Dilan is pregnant?" The doctor nodded. "I guess you didn't know about it." He shook his head. "They baby, would he be at risk?" He hadn't had the chance to digest the idea of being a father, and here he was, with the possibility of having that opportunity taken away from him. "As I was saying, we prefer to operate after 12 weeks at a minimum because the baby is developing. And there is the risk of miscarriage or damage to the brain." The doctor put his hand on Baran's arm. "We will operate swiftly to minimize all the risks. I hope you understand I must inform the relatives of all possibilities." Baran staggered back and hit the wall with his back. "Can I see her before..." The doctor nodded. "I will send the nurse to get you as they prepare her. I must warn you. We must act fast, so I can only allow you to see her for a few minutes." The world came crashing down on him. He had wanted to have a child with Dilan for a while. And now that it was a reality... No, he won't allow himself to think that way. Dilan will be fine, and so will the baby.

The Wedding Night...
FanfictionA fanfiction inspired on the turkish dizi Kan Çiçekleri. The story is about a blood feud between two families. To prevent more blood from spilling, the head of the Karabey Family (Baran) decides to marry the daughter of his mother's killer (Dilan)...