Places where we find shelter...

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Baran was torn: he didn't want Dilan going outside the mansion alone, but he could not take her himself. This meeting was very important to him and the company. Together with Kerem and his dad, they had worked really hard to get this client. His connections will allow Karabey Holdings to enter the Asian market. "Dilan, I don't think the meeting would last that long. Everything is agreed upon already. We only have to sign the contract. If you wait for me, I could take you and Zümrüt wherever you need. Or better yet. I will cancel my schedule for the rest of the week and I'll be your driver from tomorrow to the wedding day. How about that?" Baran was sitting on her side of the bed, and Dilan looked at him through the mirror. She was showing her discontent, but her safety came first for him. "Baran..." "Dilan, please..." He pleaded because he knew that confronting her would take him nowhere. "Otherwise, I won't be able to focus on the meeting. I will be worried about you. Please, Mrs. Karabey, do as I say."

His wife stood up and approached him. He offered her his hand and led her to his leg, where she sat. His arms were on her waist, and hers on his neck. "Baran, I know that you worry about me, and because of that, I've followed all the rules you have set regarding my safety. But this is different. This not only concerns me but also my sister. You are asking me to cancel my plans with her, and that is not fair..." She was right, but he could not help it either. His need to protect her overrode everything else, always. He got near her lips. He wanted to kiss her. He didn't want to argue. However, he didn't dare to go all the way. She closed the gap between them and kissed him gently. That little contact was enough to silence his mind. "Baran, please. Nothing has happened. Nothing will happen. There were some unsettling incidents, yes. But not one thing came out of them. Besides, I won't be alone. Zümrüt will be with me, and I'm sure you will send one..." She looked at him jokingly. "Okay, two guards with us."

Dilan hoped that her words were enough to convince her husband. "Dilan, you seemed to have forgotten about Hikmet and the fact that he is out there, free, and..." She held his head. "And what, Baran? The man has been free for months now. If he was going to do something against the Karabey or my parents, don't you think he would have done it by now?" His answer was silence. There was something on Baran's mind. She brought his head to her chest and brushed his hair. His hold on her tightened. "I could stay like this forever, Mr. Karaby. But I think there are some important people waiting for you. And my husband is always punctual, is he not?" "Dilan." He said in warning. She dismissed his attempt to intimidate her and got up. "Come, it is getting late. Come." He got up. "Fine, let's go and pick up Zümrüt. I'll cancel the meeting altogether." She got mad. "Baran! You can't do that." He searched for his phone while he replied to her. "I can, and I will. No deal is more important than you."

She would normally get angry at his attempt at blackmail. If he didn't go, this opportunity would be lost. She will feel partly guilty. But the way he said it. She knew that was not his intention. He was genuinely worried. "Baran, is there something you have not told me?" He looked to the side. When his eyes returned to her, they were guarded, and she could not read them. "There is, but I will tell you after the wedding." Why wait? That would only make her more curious and preoccupied. "Baran..." He put his index on her lips. "Dilan, after the wedding." She thought about it for a second. She already had enough things to worry about for the moment. She wanted to put all her energy into her sister and her happiness. She only had a few days to spend with her before she'd be gone again. "Fine, drop me at the Foundation. I'll call Zümrüt to meet me there. Tomorrow you can take us to where we need to go. His eyes became clear. How did they do that? He hugged her tie. "I promise this won't last much longer."

Dilan was skeptical. Baran's overprotective nature didn't need any excuse to manifest itself. It was second nature to him. Nevertheless, she fell in love with the way he was. It was part of his personality. It was best just to surrender. There were other battles she could win. She would let him have this one. She let go of him to get her purse. "Let's go overprotective, maniac." He took her hand. "I love you too, Dilan." She smiled. Yes, she loved him too. He was a manic, but he was her manic. At the bottom of the stairs, Mr. Kudret was waiting for them. "Baran, Dilan, good morning. I think we should go, son. We don't want to be late." Her husband nodded. "We will drop Dilan off first." Mr. Kudret opened the door. "Of course." On their way to the company, Baran played with Dilan's fingers. It was normally her thing. Dilan guessed her husband was excited about this new deal, and she was happy for him. She didn't say anything because his father was in the car. But she made a mental note to tease him later.

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