"Father?" Dilan asked. She knew her father well. Like her, he was not good at lying once he was on the spot. He opened his mouth to speak, but Mr. Kudret cut in. "I forgave him because I understood the position he was put in. A man wanted to do business with us, but I didn't like him. I rejected his offer, and he left while spitting threats. I made the mistake of not taking them seriously. That man knew Seyit. He asked him to do the job." Baran's brows were furrowed, and his fists were clenched so tight that the color was gone from his skin. It was her father who continued. "At first, I refused to do what that man asked me; he left, and I thought that was the end of it..." Her father was struggling with the memory. "Days later, he came back. He showed me many photos. He had my family follow. I will never forget his words. 'Your son's life, for theirs. You chose.' I was fixed on the spot. He took my hand and put a gun in it. Then he got me into a car and drove to where you were... Still, I didn't want to do it. He took out another gun and pointed it at me. 'I will not only kill your son, I will also kill your wife and your unborn child while you watch.' His eyes. That man was the devil. He got me out of the car and walked behind me. He pointed out to Mr. Kudret, and then he pointed out to you and your mom. I raised the gun..."
Dilan closed her eyes. Just imagining the scene was devastating. And Baran. She looked toward her husband's direction. His eyes were a mix of sadness and anger. She went to him and covered his fist with her hand. Upon contact, he unfolded his fingers and intertwined them with hers. But he didn't look at her. He was staring at nothing. He was relieving the moment as her father spoke. "My hands trembled, and I could not see clearly from the tears. I aimed at Mr. Kudret and shot. When I saw him fall, I could not move anymore. The man took the gun from my hands, and I heard another shot. But my eyes were on Mr. Kudret. I have done it. I have shot him. I believe the commotion scared him. The man returned the gun to me and left. I ran." Baran let go of Dilan and charged her father. "Coward. You were a coward." Mr. Kudret went to him and hugged him from behind. "Son, please." Baran struggled and got away from his dad's hold. He turned, and his whole body was trembling. He became that little boy again, the boy that watched his mother die. "Who is that man?" Mr. Kudret said no with his head. Baran eyes opened wide, and he screamed. "Tell me!" His father held his arms. "This is on me. She was my wife. I would take care of that man. He will pay for what he did to us in due time." Baran screamed again. "She was my mother!" Mr. Kudret raised his voice. "She was the love of my life. This is my task to finish. Not yours."
Baran stormed out of the room. He could not contain his anger toward his father and Mr. Seyit. 'He will pay in due time?' His mother had been dead for years. There was not such a thing as a due time. There was now. "Baran!" He heard Dilan running behind him. "Baran!" But he could not stop—not even for his wife. He was in the parking lot when she caught up with him. He felt Dilan's arms around him. She didn't say anything. She just hugged him, and when she did, the anger was momentarily replaced by sorrow. His head hung forward. Consumed by the memory. The pain, despite the time past, was the same. His mom, his mom died to protect him and his brother. She died for her children. And Baran could do nothing to save her. Dilan let go of him and circled his body. She took his head in her hands and kissed his tears away. Baran closed his eyes, letting her touch appease his soul. "Come." She said as she walked him to the truck and took the keys from him. He got in the copilot seat, and she drove. Baran stared at Dilan. Her father, Mr. Seyit, was not the one that killed his mom, and yet... He shook his head. Guilt for what Dilan went through was already consuming him after he learned she was adopted. But that guilt intensified with what he just heard. "Dilan, I..." He could not get the words out of his mouth. 'Sorry' was not enough of a word to express the regret that invaded him. Dilan took his hand and squeezed. That small gesture was everything to him. It was like she was saying she was with him through it all.
Dilan had taken them to the coast. She stopped at the exact spot they went to when Baran was upset about Firat and Derya's engagement. There was no one around but them. He exited the car and walked toward a bench but didn't sit on it. Instead, he smashed his fist against the tree next to it, over and over again, until his blood stained the tree. A growl came out from deep within him with each punch. He needed to let all the anger inside of him out to think straight again. Dilan was behind him, trying to stop him, but her strength was not enough to overcome his rage. When he stopped, he was exhausted. His head and forearm rested against the tree as he tried to catch his breath. Dilan had left him to go to the truck. Upon her return, she helped him sit on the bench. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply as his wife examined his hand. The breeze brought in the sea smell. Without uttering a word, Dilan began to heal his bloody knuckles. Tears started falling from her eyes. She was hurting for him. "I'm sorry, Dilan. I shouldn't have..." He didn't continue because if he did, he would be lying. He needed to do it. But perhaps he should have waited to be alone first. "I'm sorry, Baran." He was lost. "Why would you be sorry for? You did nothing wrong." She took a bandage from the first aid kit from the truck. "My father, he didn't kill your mom, but your dad... and his silence afterward. It all contributes to deepening your wounds. I know."

The Wedding Night...
FanfictionA fanfiction inspired on the turkish dizi Kan Çiçekleri. The story is about a blood feud between two families. To prevent more blood from spilling, the head of the Karabey Family (Baran) decides to marry the daughter of his mother's killer (Dilan)...