Punishments can be fun...

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"Dilan!" It seemed that he had called more than once. She looked at her husband, he had opened the car door for her and had his hand extended to help her get out. She took it and stood next to him. "Remember, I would never let go of this hand. Like I promised" Holding his hand she felt safe, secure, she felt brave. He gave her that kind of confidence, he always encouraged her to be herself.

Together they walk through the side entrance of the hotel, in the pool area all those who were invited gathered to see the new collection for the first time. Among them, she saw people that she didn't know, but she also saw familiar faces, like her family. When she thought of that term, she was not only referring to her parents and her siblings. Now the word family had a bigger meaning to her. Mr. Kudret, Ms. Azade, Cihan, and the others, all of them were now a part of her. Not because she was married to Baran, but because they had a place in her heart. And it felt so good after feeling rejected for so long, not only by the Karabeys but by her mother as well.

She also saw Baran's school friends, they welcomed her as she was a part of their group. Mr. Selim and his wife were there as well and while greeting them, she didn't miss the opportunity to remind Dilan that she had agreed to go to the foundation to meet the children that had won the sponsorship of the Karabey Holding. "I will go soon, I promise" "I'm holding you up to those words dear" "Of course". After they had gone over the tables that were close by, they arrived at the one with the whole family. Dilan hugged her parents as well as her brother  and Zümrüt. She wanted to spend as much time as possible with her sister, as her mom had allowed for her to go to Germany to visit her boyfriend Ali.

Taking a deep breath, Dilan finally had the opportunity to look around and appreciate the beauty of the space. There were square, small tables all around the pool's surrounding area, with beautiful flower arrangements as centerpieces composed of white roses and white gardenias. The most calming and sweet fragrance was coming from then, mixed with the scent of the sea that was right behind them. They gave an elegant touch to the space. The weather was not chill nor hot, it was perfect. Looking up, she saw lines of lights crossing from one corner to the other, creating an intimate atmosphere. Right opposite the entrance, there was a stage with a big screen on the back. From there you could read 'Karabey Holding's Welcomes you'. The ambiance was completed by instrumental background music set in a volume that would allow those that were present, to have a conversation.

"Baran?" Kerem said close to him. He signaled yes with his head and Kerem gave the okey to the speaker. 'Dear guests, please receive the most warm welcome on behalf of Karabye Holdings. We appreciate you coming today for the launch of our new jewelry collection. With that purpose, we now invite our CEO, Mr. Baran Karabey, to the stage. Everyone started clapping and Dilan squeezed Baran's hand, after winking at his wife, he left. He waited for everyone to quiet down before he began to speak.

"First of all, I would like to thank all our distinguished guests, our precious employees, our partners, clients, friends, family, and members of the press, for not leaving us alone today. I'm very excited to share this collection with you. Every item was designed to highlight the simple yet graceful attributes of women, who know they don't need to wear elaborate pieces of jewelry to look elegant or to feel confident. The inspiration behind it was my beautiful wife Dilan, and it was only fitting that this collection was named after her. So without any further ado, I present to you the Dilan Collection, I hope you enjoy it. Thank you!"

As Baran was talking, on the screen people could see every jewelry being displayed. When he mentioned her, everyone clapped and looked at her. Dilan was uncomfortable with all this attention, all she could do was smile and look at the side, avoiding eye contact with people around her. After Baran finished his speech, different models came to the stage, wearing the pieces from the collection so people could appreciate them better. Baran walked to her and placed his arm around her waist, after which he whispered in her ear "Every one of those pieces of jewelry represents you Dilan, the diamonds selected are as pure and rare as you are. When you look closely at them, there is a fire inside each one, which only the one that possesses them would be able to see."

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