Chapter One

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A/N Hey guys so I decided to do something different with this book, it's percy jackson and keepers of the lost cities mixed. I might switch POVs occasionally, but it's mostly going to be Ana Jackson, Percy and Annabeth's youngest daughter. The time is set when Percy and Annabeth are in their early 40s, and their oldest, Charollette, is 16. Silena is 12, and Matt and Ana are 9. In KOTLC, Sophie is 15, Keefe is 16, Fitz is 16, etc.

"So, you are Annabelle Jackson, daughter of the infamous Perseus Jackson." The black cloaked figure said with authority.

"Yes." And with that word, she sealed her doom.

"Yes, I am." Nine-year-old Ana clutched her knives, given to her by her Aunt Thalia.

"Strange, isn't it, to find a lone half-blood in San Francisco? I'd've though Chiron would've warned you of the dangers here." The figure said, starting to pace.

"Are you here to kill me?" Ana asked, shifting her form, her long blonde hair curling on her shoulder.

"No, fear not. I only need you to help me with one teeny-tiny favor, in exchange for sparing your life." The figure suddenly knocked her hood back, revealing blond hair tucked back into a loose bun with strands framing her face. Her light bluish-green eyes suggested that she was power-hungry, calculating, and a bit insane. Her sharp, pointed nose and full purpled lips and overall stunning beauty complimented her figure, hidden by a fluffy burgundy dress and black cloak.

The first thing Ana could think to say was, "Are you a goddess?"

The woman, who Ana had decided to call 'evil goddess', appeared to ponder her statement.

"Well, no, not where you're concerned." Evil Goddess said. "I run an organization called the Neverseen. My son has a friend who is powerful, too powerful, and she opposes me in my quest for justice. I would like you to help me neutralize her."

"Me? Why?" Ana asked, caught off guard. "And are you guys like a secret organization? Because I've never heard of you before."

"Hmm. In the human world, perhaps we are secret. But in my world, the Lost Cities, we are feared and hated because of our leader's bad ruling, and their many puppets. By the way, dear Annabelle, my name is Lady Gisela Minette Sencen. And since I have just saved your life from those dreaded ogres, I hope you'll give my proposal some serious thought before answering."

Ana considered. She'd been attacked by green lumpy beasts earlier, and Gisela had stepped in and beaten back the ogres with mysterious star-like weapons that she'd thrown with deadly accuracy. Ana was in San Francisco hunting down the prophecy her mom, Annabeth Chase-Jackson, had received before she died saving Ana's father's life. Nico DiAngelo, a friend of her father, suspected Percy was in a Death Trance, waiting for Annabeth, but he couldn't say for sure. Ana was going to track down the prophecy and use it to save her Uncle Frank. It had been three years, three long years, since Echidna had kidnapped him, and no one had found him yet. Chiron and Camp Jupiter declared Frank dead, and all investigations were stopped two months after his death. Ana's Aunt Hazel, Uncle Frank's widowed wife, and their seventeen-year-old twins, Reyla and Terminus Zhang, kept pushing for more investigations, but the praetors at the time decided they were wasting their military might.

"May I ask another favor if I join your organization?" Ana asked.

"If it is reasonable," Gisela consented.

"I would like your help to accomplish my quest. See, I'm looking for a prophecy to kill Ech- er, I mean, a really, really, bad monster, and save my family. By the first of July. And I would like some safety, at least when I'm resting." Ana said.

Gisela rubbed her temples. "This is why worlds don't mix," she sighed. "You should be safe inside our headquarters." She promised. "I will also provide help for your quest. You should have plenty of time," she added, checking the date. May 30th. "Plenty of time to capture Sophie and Keefe."

"Who are they?" Ana questioned.

"Not here. I'll explain when we get there." Gisela pulled out a fancy stick with a jewel on the tip. Kind of looked like-

"Is that a fairy's wand?" Ana giggled.

"It's called a pathfinder. It helps elves such as myself travel between worlds. Now," Gisela raised the pathfinder's clear crystal to the light, "what is your answer? I accepted your offer, now, do you accept mine?" The crystal created a beam of light.

"Yes! Yes, I do!" Ana squeaked. Lady Gisela lunged, grabbed Ana's hand, and stepped into the light. Ana screamed and struggled, but Gisela's grip was like iron. I'm only nine, she thought. I'm to young to die!

Suddenly, it was over. Ana opened her eyes and gasped. The air was so fresh it burned her nose. The rolling hills sang of beauty, the green grass thriving. Ana felt like a speck of dirt in all this perfectness.

Lady Gisela smiled. "Ana, welcome to the Lost Cities. This is where our headquarters is hidden. Now, we must make you look like an elf. We will go to Atlantis next, get you a proper wardrobe." She said, eyeing Ana's ratty, ripped, paint-splattered, and grimy jeans and crusty orange Camp-Half-Blood tee. Her hair, as always, was as wild as the wind, long, greasy strands flowed down to her butt. Tangles, leaves, sticks, and who knows what else was stuck there because she hadn't had a shower in a week, and had journeyed to San Francisco by hitch-hiking a delivery-truck, an overnight train, several cars that didn't belong to her, and lots of walking. Her very well loved small purple backpack had a change of clothes (equally destroyed), a toothbrush, some food, ambrosia, nectar, very little mortal money, drachmas, and a hairbrush that she'd given up on.

Lady Gisela raised her pathfinder again, and they teleported to a big rock. In the middle of the ocean.

"Maybe you should borrow my cloak..." Gisela eyed Ana's clothes.

Ana grinned. She focused, imagining her appearance different, snapped her fingers, and her hair was pulled into a tight bun like Lady Gisela's. All grime disappeared, and she was wearing a fluffy, backless turquoise gown, with a matching partly-transparent shawl covering her muscular arms, shoulders, and back. It was the dress her mother had worn for Ana's sixth birthday, the last birthday she'd been with her mother. Charlie, her older sister, wore it time to time, for parties and going out occasions. Ana had learned early to manipulate the mist from her sister, Silena, who'd learned from her Aunt Hazel.

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