Chapter Eight

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Ana woke up in the same room, with Jolie still there.

"That was quick," Jolie commented, checking the time. "It's only been fifteen minutes."

"Really? What's my ability?" Ana asked enthusiastically.

"We'll see. I think you're a Vanisher, or you just learned how to Blink." Jolie smiled, taking Ana's hand. Her hand went right through Ana's.

"Or you could be a phaser. Stand up," Jolie instructed.

Ana stood up. Jolie gasped. Ana looked down. She was standing in the middle of the bed! Except, her feet were on the floor.

"Ah! Get me out of here! Ana screamed.

"Calm down. Think of something calm. Do you have any family members?" Jolie asked.

"Two older sisters and a twin brother," Ana answered.

"Which one is your favourite?" Jolie asked.

"My sister Silena. She's kind of distant, but she always has a calming affect on everyone. She also has these weird powers cuz my other sister, Charlie, made a wish for her to have super-powerful magic." Ana explained.

"Really? Here in the Lost Cities, twins are usually frowned upon. Actually, having more than one child is usually frowned upon. I never had a sister. Are sisters annoying?" Jolie asked.

"Oh, yes!" Ana groaned. "One time, Charlie set up a date for me and this other boy I liked when I was four! That was embarrassing. She set up this four-year-old-size restaurant, and my twin, Matt, was our waiter. His older brother was the head chef, and his mom and my dad, and of course, my sister Silena, cooked us up Kraft Dinner, my favourite, with chocolate cake for dessert. It was amazing. He was a really nice boy, too!" Ana giggled. "But I still hate that she made a date for us without my permission." She grinned.

"Okay. Now, I'd like you to pretend you're invisible. You can't feel anything. Nothing is solid, only you. Bend the objects to your will." Jolie suggested.

Ana focused.

I'm invisible.

I am made of nothing.


Ana walked out of the bed. Her legs immediately solidified. But when she looked down, she couldn't see herself.

"Ana!" Jolie cried. "Where are you?!"

"Here!" Ana called.

I'm invisible.


OMG! Imagine the pranks I could pull on Evan Murphy and the Hermes cabin!

"Ana, I'm going to need you to concentrate. Pull your body back together. You are not invisible." Jolie instructed.

Ana focused on Jolie. You can see me. You can see me! YOU CAN SEE ME! She mentally screamed, focusing all her concentration on Jolie. Jolie doubled over, clutching her head.

"Jolie!" Ana shouted, running towards her. As soon as she touched Jolie's hand, thoughts that weren't her swarmed into her brain.

'What do I do? She's too strong! She's a Vanisher, and a Phaser! She could possible be a Telepath too! Oh, what to do- Ana, can you hear me?!'

Yes, Ana said.

Okay, listen to me: you're a Vanisher. You can't walk through walls or anything of the sort. You can't read minds! Jolie told her, desperately.

Bang, Bang! Someone knocked on the door.

Jolie made sure her, and Ana's hoods were up, then opened the door. Lady Gisela stood there, glowering.

"I've been waiting for an hour, Jewel! What's going on?!" She demanded.

"Algorithm just manifested. She's a Vanisher!" Jewel said.

"Dammit!" Gisela stomped her foot. "I thought I told you I needed a Psionipath!"

"My Lady, these elixirs have never been tested on her kind before!" Jewel protested.

"It'll have to do. Jewel, show Algorithm the training room. Train her. Do not fail this." Gisela stomped off, levitating down the shaft.

"Well. You heard her. Can you levitate?" Jewel asked.

"No," Ana answered.

"Try it. Imagine yourself light as a balloon. Fly." Jewel pulled her hood down lower.

Ana didn't imagine. She knew. I can fly. I can FLY!!!

Sure enough, she flew. Ana grabbed Jewel's hand, surprised to find out it was gloved. Jolie had seemed so open, so kind, so trusting. Ana wasn't sure she like Jewel that much.

Ana floated into the shaft. She and Jewel levitated up.

"This door." Jewel pulled Ana into the Skills room that Lady Gisela had shown her earlier.

"The mentality for all skills is 'I can do this', 'this doesn't exist', etcetera." Jewel explained.


"Yes, Algorithm?"

"Why are you differ-"

"The skills do somewhat defer from each other, and you must figure out on you own." Jewel lifted her hood enough for Ana to see her eyes, which screamed Don't ask, PLEASE!

"Which skill are we starting with?" Ana asked.

"Channeling," Jewel answered.

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