Chapter Twelve

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After I left the restaurant I went home. I got myself together pretty quickly on the way there. I'm really not angry at Amanda. I'm more so hurt by my dad, he went out of his way to start a new relationship with Amanda, and he's never even tried with me.

So after I got home I called Madisyn and asked her if it was okay with her parents if I stayed the night. I didn't want to have to wake up in the morning and see neither of them. I am really done trying with my dad. I don't care anymore.

As of right now I'm packing a bag for a few days, because Madisyn's parents said it was fine.

I got everything together that I would need for a few days. Unfortunately I couldn't stay there forever, so I would be back home on Friday.

When I finished packing I grabbed my bag and left.


"Hey." I said as Madisyn opened the door.

"Hello." She says grabbing my bag from my hand and going towards the stairs .

I closed the door behind me and locked it before following her up to her room.

"So what's up?" She asks as we both get comfortable on her bed.

"My dad and Amanda are dating." I say with a shrug.

"Really?" She says surprised.

"Yes, that's a crazy right?"

"I mean I guess so, but why does that make you so upset ?"

"I'm upset first because she lied and said that they weren't when I asked her before, but mainly because how can my dad give all this love and attention to a woman, and he shows me none. Amanda is okay with that, so I feel like she doesn't really care if my dad ever talks to me. I just honestly feel so betrayed by her." I say.

She just nodded in understanding, while moving to sit in front of me to embrace me warmly.

"I love them both so much, and it wouldn't be a problem if my dad loved me back. I'd be okay with the situation, because I already look at Amanda as a mother figure." I say getting choked up.

"It's going to get better." She says still hugging me.

"When? He's had seventeen years. If he doesn't love me now he never will." I said still crying into her neck.

"I don't know, but it will." She says rocking me from side to side.


I wake up to what I'm guessing is Madisyn's alarm clock. I looked over at her to see that she is not disturbed by it, because she is still sleeping.

I get up to turn it off and see that it is only 6:00 in the morning. Instead of going back to sleep I take that time to shower.

I looked in my bag and got the pajamas that I was supposed to put on last night. I still had on yesterday's clothes because I just went to sleep while Madisyn comforted me.

I went down the hallway into the bathroom, and took about 30 minutes to shower.

Realizing I forgot my toothbrush I left the bathroom to go retrieve it.

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