Chapter Two

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"Knock knock." I hear Amanda say as she pushes my door open and walks in.

"Goodmorning." I speak, while I watch Amanda take a seat on my bed. "Surprised to see you awake before nine on a Saturday." says Amanda.

"Yea, I've been up for a while now, I couldn't stay asleep. I took like two naps yesterday."

"Oh, so what did you do yesterday? I stopped by around seven, to check on you and your dad and you were gone?

I widened my eyes. "My dad was here yesterday!"

"No, but I thought me and you could go shopping. Neither of you were here though."

I nod knowingly. "Yea I was out with my friend Elijah yesterday, we just got some food, and went back to his house to watch t.v. and stuff."

When Eli and I woke up from our naps it was about nine thirty. We got up, and he apologized for going to sleep on me. I told him it was fine, and suggested he take me home. Not before stopping at a gas station and getting my favorite snack hot fries, and lemonade first, which he willingly complied to. When we finally got to my house we said our goodbyes, and he promised he'd call me today. It was about ten thirty when I settled down after my shower, and just like I knew he'd do, my dad wasn't there when I closed my eyes to rest.

Amanda's phone chirped signaling she had a text. "I'd ask more about that, but i've got something to handle right now." she says walking toward the door. "I put your breakfast in the microwave for you. Oh, and your dads downstairs you should speak at least." she speaks quietly while leaving my room.

I always try to spark conversation with my dad, but it's like he just doesn't try. Amanda never tries to force me to talk to my dad. She says we'll get there when we're ready.

I get up from my bed and slide my feet into my slippers. I head downstairs to get my breakfast from the microwave. When I get there my dad is sitting at the island eating his usual breakfast, while his phone consumed him.

"Hey daddy." I speak quietly. He looks up at me, nods, and is back to his phone.

"Happy Birthday." he says sitting a set of keys in front of me and walks out. A little shocked, I just stood there.

I just stand there for a while before I return to the kitchen. I decide to go take a peak at my new car. I walk towards the garage door, and I open it. I go inside and see a maroon and gold dodge challenger. Amanda must have told him I got my license. My dad makes a lot of money, being that he is a partner at a huge law firm. He's given me a card to buy everything I've ever needed, which Amanda takes me to do. He's never went out of his way to pesonally pick something out for me though, and maybe that's a step in the right direction.

When I'm done admiring the car I step back inside, and head upstairs.I decide to call Madisyn since I haven't talked to neither her or Taylor since school yesterday. I get back into my bed and dial her number.

"Hello?" Madisyn answers after the third ring.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, Taylor wants to go to the mall so i'm waiting on her to get here. What about you?"

"Oh, you know bored out of my mind." I sigh dramatically. "I think i'm gonna meet y'all at the mall. Cool beans?" I ask.

"Okay well we're leaving as soon as Taylor gets here, want us to pick you up or are you gonna have Amanda drop you off?"

I smile to myself before saying "I'm actually gonna drive, so i'll meet you there." I rush before hanging up.

Just as im about to put my phone down to start getting ready, I get a text.

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