Chapter 14

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Peter Pan

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Peter Pan

"Okay.' A sigh followed. 'I'll tell you what happened.' The moment Peter started talking, Avery straightened her back and fixed those green eyes on him. She looked at him like a child waiting for a bedtime story, but Peter knew it wouldn't be a nice story. He stared at her eyes, where the red flames of the burning fire swallowed up all the green.

She smiled. He probably stared too long. 'I promise I'll listen 'till the very end.' Her voice was so warm that the fire was no match for it. His stomach stirred at hearing that sound, as if a monster was briefly awakening. The monster seemed to increasingly awake his body in her presence.

Peter cleared his throat again. 'I'm just afraid of what you'll do next.' He briefly averted his gaze from her when she frowned and tilted her head. He wouldn't explain. Nor did he seem to need to, for she said softly, 'I'm staying right here.'

Peter prodded the fire with a long stick, causing burning ashes to fly up and disappear into the black night. 'I don't know how long it's been since Wendy came to Neverland," he began pained, recalling the memory of that night, 'but after that day, everything changed.' He looked at Avery for a moment. 'The Lost Boys went home with her and they found a forever home. And I went back here. For a very long time I was alone on the island...-' Peter felt a stab in his heart. 'Along with Tinkerbell.' He had said her name, out loud. He hadn't done that in a very long time.

'Years later, Hook got hold of a stash of pixie dust and disappeared with it to London and he came back with Jane, Wendy's daughter.' He smiled for a moment. 'I was so happy, but then she too wanted to leave. I accompanied her and came face to face with Wendy; no longer young, but a grown woman.' He remembered her beaming smile, as warm as he remembered it. 'Something hit me, because the moment I got back to Neverland, I lost it. I realized I was alone, really alone. Wendy had grown up, the Lost Boys had grown up, and I was still here.. Alone.' He broke the twig in two and threw it into the crackling fire.

'But then it occurred to me that I didn't have to be alone and I left for London, to look for a new first Lost Boy. And I found one, his name was Jacob. He was a little older than the boys I normally took, but he had a hard life and I pitied him. His father was a drunk who beat his mother and him. I offered him a way out, which he took with both hands.' Peter looked at her for a moment, but something in her eyes forced him to speak further, without her having to say anything at all. It was peculiar how much courage she gave him with just her eyes. Those wonderful, green eyes..

He tore his gaze away from her to keep his concentration. 'We had great fun. We got into a lot of mischief, bullied Hook until he was red with anger and partied with the Indians until the morning sun shone again.' He smiled briefly before continuing his story. 'One night, however, I found out that Jacob was carrying a pocket watch with a picture of his mother. I have only one rule in Neverland; adults are taboo. And he broke it by thinking of her.' For a split second, something seemed to change on her face, but her countenance soon became neutral again. 'You were afraid he would leave you, just like Wendy and Jane.'

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