Chapter 29

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Avery ate until her belly would almost explode

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Avery ate until her belly would almost explode. It was actually nice to eat something other than trout and fruit, but she knew that meals were nothing but bribery material. Just like the pirate clothes she got from Jacob. He had found a pair of striped pants somewhere that were somewhat her size with a white blouse and a corset (which was really just a wide belt). To cover her arms, she had cut up one of Hooks red, long coats so that it would fit her much smaller figure. Now it was an outfit of sorts, in anyway and better than the soggy Indian dress. She watched with sad eyes as Jacob tossed it into the corner. Hopefully Tigerlily wouldn't be too angry.

'So, now that you're all patched up...' He held up a hand toward the door. 'Would you like to take a shot with the mermaids?'

'I'll try.' He escorted her to the hold. She knew she had to figure out a way to meet the mermaids alone. Before placing her foot on the stairs, she turned to him. 'I'll go alone from here. If you're there they're not going to tell me anything.'

Jacob picked his chin and nodded. 'Alright. I'll leave one of my crew here by the stairs so I can make sure everything goes smoothly.'

Avery nodded and then walked down the stairs alone. She sighed deeply once she was out of sight. She didn't know how she was going to handle this yet, but gaining Jacob's trust was the first step. As long as she could keep him busy until Peter found her. When she arrived at the cages, she was greeted with furious hissing. 'It's okay. It's me,' Avery said hastily. The terrifying shape the mermaids had taken disappeared like snow, and she read bewilderment on their faces.

'You're not dead. Why did he let you go?' sounded the voice of the dark-eyed mermaid. She floundered tensely in the tub.

'Your clothes,' said the second, 'You're ... You're not ...-'

'No, never,' she replied sternly, 'but I had to do what I had to do to stay alive.' She looked at the siren seriously. 'He told me why he is keeping you as prisoners.'

'Pixie Hollow,' the sirens' voices sang through her head. It was a sad sound. Avery nodded. 'We fear he wants to capture the rest of the fairy folk.'

'He told me that he wants to return home, but that the fairies won't give him the fairydust necessary to get him and the crew to the Mainland. He told me that precisely because they were not cooperating voluntarily, he took matters into his own hands.'

Hissing erupted from behind the bars. 'That can't be true.'

'Do you believe his words?'

Avery shrugged her shoulders. 'I think he knows exactly what to say to get his way. I just don't know what that is yet.' She looked at the sirens. 'Do you think they're on board?'

'We've been stuck down here from the moment we were captured. The only time we weren't here, we were scorching away in the sun.'

Avery looked at the two in shock. 'What did he do?'

'He tied us to the masts and left us to dry out in the sun.'

'How terrible...' It was pure torture. 'You didn't notice anything, then?'

They both shook their heads. 'But the ship hasn't moved since we were captured. So we think he's trying very hard to stay hidden.'

'Then there is a chance, and I think I might know where.'

The chains jingled as the mermaids leaned toward her. 'Where?'

'There's a wooden cabinet in the cabin. There is a large lock on it and it seems to have been built in a hurry, with no finish or oil.'

'Then there's hope.' Avery could almost hear the brown-eyed mermaid sighing in her head. There was indeed hope, but the news had to get to Peter first, and as long as she was here and the sirens were trapped, no one could tell him. It certainly wouldn't be long before Jacob would get suspicious and come down here too. Then she had to have a story ready.

'Pixie Hollow,' she began, 'Peter believes he wants the fairies for their fairydust, but not to get home, but to sell it at the Black Market.'

'Wait,' the mermaid with the brown eyes looked at her piercingly. 'Why didn't I see this before. Avery, are you here with Peter?'

She nodded. 'For a few weeks now. We found the Indians and Tigerlily sent me to your sisters.'

The two looked at each other, and Avery didn't understand why the sirens suddenly seemed so cheerful. 'You're her!'

Now she was frowning. 'Who?'

'The Chief told about you in The First Days. The red locks, I should have seen it, but you were soaked and it was dark.'

Avery was even more confused now. She plucked at her red hair. 'Tigerlily's father,' she realized, 'there was a prophecy about me? And everyone knows about it?'

'That's right, missy.'

Avery turned with a jerk.

 'I may be young, Avery, but I'm certainly not stupid.' Jacob walked into the room with Smee at his side. The sirens hissed and their gentle faces were immediately exchanged for the monstrous looks beneath. 'Somewhat unfortunate that you won't cooperate,' he continued, 'I was hoping my offer would be enough to win you over after you've been in Neverland for a while, but alas. You obviously don't miss your parents enough.'

Avery stood up and looked straight at the boy. 'This has nothing to do with my parents,' she said, 'What you're doing is not right.'

'Spare me the moral nonsense. What's not right is that facade you believe in. The boy with eternal life who rescues poor rascals from the streets and promises a life of fun and without worries, but as soon as you get even a little older, as soon as you long for the people that raised you for even a second...' He moved his finger along his throat. 'Not immediately of course, but he does leave you to rot.'

Avery looked at him for a long moment. 'Everyone makes mistakes, Peter too.'

'How many do you think have been there before you, missy? Dozens have died here. At the hand of pirates, mountain lions .... You name it. And you believe he's coming to save you?' He snorted mockingly. 'You are more likely to survive with me. Besides, I'll make sure that when you do want to return home, you do so with enough wealth to last you the rest of your life.'

'I have no interest in that,' she replied. 'What I want is to give Neverland back to its inhabitants, to give the creatures who live here their safe home back.'

Jacob frowned. 'They already lost that when Pan came to live here.' He waved his hand. 'But fine, if you don't want to join me, then you've lost your value.' He snapped his fingers. Avery gasped as the cold blade of a knife was pressed against her neck.

'So here are your options,' he said to the sirens. 'Either you tell me where to find Pixie Hollow, or I cut her pretty little throat. And I don't have to tell you what it would mean if Pan's poor little heart got broken again, do I?'

Avery turned to the sirens. She had never seen so much envy and hatred in their eyes, but she also saw much doubt on their faces. 'Don't tell him anything,' she said and was immediately gagged as the knife pressed harder against her throat. She felt the sharp steel cut against her skin.

 She felt the sharp steel cut against her skin

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