Chapter 34

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'And now we arrive at the Tinker Village,' Terence said

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'And now we arrive at the Tinker Village,' Terence said. That didn't surprise Avery at the sight of the self-designed conveyances, devices and cable cars. Fairies in green clothing were bustling about, and all around her the tapping of hammers, sawing and further away something seemed to be collapsing or exploding. Terence had toured her around, while Peter remained behind in the company of a few fairies. Avery figured they must have a lot to catch up on.

'Please don't mind the mess.' 

Avery chuckled. She liked Terence. He was friendly, positive-minded and very helpful. Unlike the fairies, Avery couldn't fly, and Terence patiently waited or helped her up and down from everything. He also had humor and wore the cap of an acorn on his head, giving Avery the idea that he took life lightheartedly. Or it was just the fashion around here.

He guided her past the many cottages and workspaces. 'This is Tinkerbel's home.' They stood in front of a moss-covered cottage. Unlike the rest of the cottages, the lights were out and it looked rather lonely. But maybe that was just the illusion because the owner had been kidnapped. She looked at Terence, but he had not yet removed his gaze from the little house. The deep frown above his eyes mirrored both a deep sadness and a determination to find her.

'Do you miss her much, Terence?' She noticed that her voice sounded weak, as if she was afraid to ask the question. Of course he missed her..

Terence looked at her and nodded. 'Every day,' he answered softly, 'Tink saved me that day. She pushed me aside. If it wasn't for her, it would have been me falling into the hands of the pirates.'

'I'm so sorry.'

Terence smiled. 'We'll get her back. Tink is a tough one, she doesn't give up easily. I bet even now she's plotting her escape.'

'Can I ask ... what's she like? I mean...' She hesitantly bit her lip, not sure how to phrase the sentence properly, but Terence smiled. 'You're afraid she'll react to you like she did to that Wendy girl.'

Avery nodded blushing.

Terence laughed. 'Tinkerbell is a lot of things: reckless, hot-headed, rebellious, impulsive and terribly stubborn, but above all she is brave, loyal to her friends and kind. She would do anything to help others out. There's really nothing she wouldn't do for the people she loves. And I have a feeling you are not much different in that. She'll like you.' A soft smile appeared around his lips, and Avery could swear she could detect a blush on his face. 'She sounds wonderful,' she said.

'She is,' Terence said.

'You love her a lot, don't you?'

Terence looked back at her with a jerk, and Avery chuckled. 'Don't worry, I'm not telling.'

He nodded embarrassedly. 'I don't think you have to worry about Tink's opinion. I mean, Í like you!'

Avery smiled gratefully. 'I'm glad you said that. Everyone really tries to make me feel welcome.'

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