Chapter 20

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Drums echoed through the cave and resonated in her body, while the sweet sounds of flutes and the rattles of turtle shells produced a beautiful melody

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Drums echoed through the cave and resonated in her body, while the sweet sounds of flutes and the rattles of turtle shells produced a beautiful melody. The chants and shouts of the Indians sounded even louder and although Avery did not understand any of it, she felt the power in their words. It was joy and gratitude they were conveyed with music.

Avery retracted her legs as a couple of children danced right past her. She wondered how old they were and for how long they had been that age. Would these children grow up because they had been born here? She knew that time did not matter in Neverland for visitors like her, but being born here, was it possible at all?

A little girl came skipping towards her and grabbed her hand. To the beat of the music, she kept giving tugs and Avery understood the hint. Smiling, she stood up and followed the girl towards the crackling campfire. Avery felt like everyone was watching her as the little girl showed her how to dance. Avery tried to imitate it as best she could. With fire-red cheeks, she looked away as a few older girls watched her, chuckling. However, they immediately shut up when Peter walked past. Avery tried to ignore his presence and turned to the little girl again.

 After a few minutes, she had mastered the dance and more children joined the dance circle. The drums reverberated in her ears as the hypnotic sounds made her body move. When the music suddenly stopped, she stood face to face with Peter, who withdrew his pan flute from his lips and gave her a wink. 'You already look like a real native.'

Avery's cheeks glowed. Peter put away his pan flute and, with a bow, invited her to take his hand. The music started playing again and Avery accepted his invitation. Peter guided her with every step she took. He turned her, pushed her away from him and caught her again. They made jumps and laughed as they hooked arms and hopped around in a circle just like the children did. Avery spun around until she was dizzy and her feet moved in all directions, as if she knew exactly what to do just by looking into Peter's eyes. He made her fly and she had never felt so much joy. She didn't want to stop dancing, ever again. At times they were close together and then far away from each other and when the music finally stopped, Avery lowered herself to the floor, exhausted.

'You're not tired already, are you?' Peter plopped down beside her.

Avery didn't let herself be fooled; it was impossible to not notice the bobbing up and down of his chest and chuckled. 'What about you Pan?'

But Peter leaned towards her and Avery froze. 'I'm far from tired.' And he held up his hand, as a playful smile appeared around his lips. 'Shall I prove it?'

Avery took his hand and allowed herself to be pulled onto the dance floor again. And they danced until the fire was extinguished and morning was almost upon them. Then it was time to say goodbye.

'Show your face more often,' Tigerlily instructed him, and Peter bowed deeply to her. 'I owe you that.' She hugged him tightly and then walked up to Avery. 'The little bird need not leave the nest if she does not wish to, but if she listens to the tiger's message, the island will smile again,' she spoke in a hushed tone. Avery understood the message and when she was back in the nest and lay in her hammock, the words still haunted her mind. She looked up at the hammock above her and poked Peter in his back, receiving only a groan in response.

'Do you know all the mermaids, Peter?' she asked and again an unintelligible mumbled reply sounded. 'And do the Indians know the mermaids?'

Finally something moved above her and Peter's head hung next to the hammock. He looked at her sleepily and with an eyebrow raised. 'What a lot of questions. I thought you were tired.'

She nodded. 'Yes, I am. Sorry. I'll go to sleep.'

A frown formed on his forehead and then he disappeared back into his hammock. Avery, however, was not going to sleep yet. Tigerlily had entrusted her with the task and surely with good reason. Neverland will not remain the same for long if nothing is done. Avery did not understand the message. Did the princess know more than she was telling her? And why were the sirens no longer surfacing? Was it to do with the pirates or was it for some other reason? And if the pirates already had the fairies, why hadn't they left for the mainland? Why were they still here? If they were at all...

 Did the princess know more than she was telling her? And why were the sirens no longer surfacing? Was it to do with the pirates or was it for some other reason? And if the pirates already had the fairies, why hadn't they left for the mainland? Wh...

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