Chapter 33

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The fairies were growing curious by Peter's appearance

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The fairies were growing curious by Peter's appearance. As they moved towards a huge tree, more and more fairies followed them in their wake or through the air. Many dropped their work and came to say hello, which to Avery sounded like nothing more than a bunch of ringing Christmas bells. Avery dared not take her eyes off her feet, afraid she might accidentally step on one of the fairies. As they got closer to the tree, however, her attention was soon drawn to it. It was huge! The trunk of the tree counted at least dozens of diameters and it had to be at least a fifteen meters tall. The foliage was so dense that there was no way to see through it. Yet she saw  something was illuminated at the top, even brighter than the fairydust.

Now that she looked closely, she also saw fairies appearing among the branches. She smiled at them, but there were so many curious eyes that Avery didn't really know where to look. So she quickly turned her head. The protruding roots of the tree, which were as thick as a log, acted as seats around the base of the tree. Peter took a seat and Avery sat down next to him. She didn't have to wait long for what was to come. Peter nudged her and pointed up, where a number of fairies with golden trumpets came flying in.

They stood neatly in two separate rows at the base of the tree and began to play. The sound that pierced the ringing of thanking fairies around her was louder than expected. It sounded like an announcement. And so it was, she realized as four fairies in long robes appeared, all in different colours. The seasons! Their robes were the seasons!

That was abundantly clear! The fairy of winter wore a white dress with ice flakes, the fairy of autumn a robe made of wilted leaves, the fairy of summer a dress with beautifully bright flowers and the fairy of spring a dress made of hyacinths. But her attention was soon drawn to the fairy who appeared next. Her dress seemed to be made of fairydust, brilliant gold just like her enormous wings. Avery couldn't tear her eyes away. Until she realized to herself how rude she was being, but the fairy had already seen her and she smiled. In front of Avery and Peter, she lingered in the air.

'Welcome back, Peter.'

Were those- were those words she heard? She spoke! And her voice was so sweet. There was no ringing, anywhere, Avery realized as she looked around and heard soft murmurs among the leaves.

'And I see you brought someone with you.'

Only then did Avery realize that the fairy was looking at her. 'I can understand you,' she said softly, more surprised than it was a firm statement. The fairy smiled after the surprise left her face. 'And I you.'

Avery shamefully clasped her hands in front of her mouth. 'Good heavens, I'm sorry. That was so rude.'

The fairy laughed, and as she laughed, glitter snowed down from her wings. 'That's all right.'

'Until a minute ago she could only hear you ringing,' Peter explained. Shocked murmurs from above her filled the large tree. 'Let me be clear that it has nothing to do with her faith,' Peter snapped at the fairies, and they fell silent instantly. 'She's a lot older than a child, layoff of her.'

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